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Hello all,

We now have a true beginning with an end in sight.  On the way to me are the pieces of Mike's last violin:

Top plate. Rough graduations done inside and out. F's and purfuling channel cut.

Back plate. Rough graduations done inside and out. Purfling channel cut.

Garland complete including blocks and linings.

Scroll. Head needs detail finishes. Remaining needs work.

When the package arrives I will distribute the pieces for finish work. We still need more help if you are interested.

In addition to the memorial violin the contents of Mike's shop and wood pile are being inventoried.  The sale of this material will go to benefit the VSA scholarship fund.

In keeping with Mike's personality and his wife's wishes our violin will be given to a worthy player.  If you have ideas or candidates please email the information to me at order@violinvarnish.com.

As the project goes forward we will post pictures and information on Mike's Bench.

on we go,


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  • 2 months later...

Here is the current status of our project.

After I finished the exterior of the plates, the back and rib assembly went to Joe Thrift. Joe finished the graduations and glued the back to the ribs.  He sent it to Jackson Maberry who is graduating the top and installing the bass bar. Jackson will do the finish assembly on the body and send it to Julia Felix.  Julia has the neck and will set it and return the instrument to me for varnishing.

Jay Van de Kopple is doing an inventory of the remaining contents of Mike's shop.  I have proposed a silent auction at the upcoming VSA convention. The funds from the sale will go the the VSA scholarship fund. No response as yet.

Our hope is to have a finished violin for VSA and present it to a worthy player as Mike's family requested.

on we go,


  • 11 months later...

I have progress to report.  Julia Felix did an amazing job finishing the neck and scroll and doing the neck set.  I am through the ground and will send the varnished violin to Don Leister for set up in a few weeks.

At the VSA Convention the donation of Mike's shop materials and books will be on display along with the violin. At the auction the materials will be offered first in lots with the money going to the VSA Scholarship fund. Just prior to the auction we will present the violin to its new owner.

I look forward to seeing many of you there.

on we go,


  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello all,

The VSA convention has come and gone and I am happy to share the details of our project.

The violin was completed and given to the scholarship recipient Daniela Flores.  Many thanks to Chris and Laura of Indianapolis Violins. They organized the scholarship application program. The requirements included a combination of skills in a scientific field as well as talent as a player.

Four of the applicants were selected.  Those applications were sent to all of the folks who volunteered to help with Mike's final instrument.  We all had a say so and that included Mike's wife Shelly . 

The generosity shared around this project was inspiring.  Many more volunteered than were necessary to complete the violin.  A special thanks goes out to Jay Van de Kopple who organized and transported the materials form Mike's shop to be auctioned off at the Convention.  This donation added $9500 to the VSA Scholarship Fund.

Here are some photos. [photo credit to AJ Mast]

on we go,


top vsa.JPG

back vsa.JPG

vsa 1.JPG

vsa 2.JPG


Thank you all so much for making this happen. Mike was an incredible person - generous, dazzlingly intelligent, skilled, and above all, kind. I was grateful that I was able to call him "friend". I participated in finishing his last fiddle, and I will always be grateful that I got to play a small part in carrying his legacy forward. 


Here's to you, Mike. We love you. 

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