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Making a violin tailpiece


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I can’t imagine how to make the keyhole slots in the tailpiece. Since the fingerboard, nut, pegs and saddle are Black Maire wood, I want the tailpiece to be the same. I just can’t figure out how to cut clean slots. Help, please.

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1 hour ago, Dwight Brown said:

Drill the hole and then file the slot with a needle file perhaps?...

I've never done this, but I would drill the hole and saw the slot.  I have just the right saw to fit in the hole, but if you don't, perhaps you have a saw that you could cut down.

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Salve and Jacob,

Thanks. The fretsaw makes sense.

For the cross grain endgrain slot, I cannot imagine using a knife on Black Maire. I have friends who are banjo and guitar makers. I imagine I will use a fretsaw for that.

I just completed the endpin. 

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Something like this. Started with a small Dremel bit on both surfaces and cut and checked slowly to not get out of line. Ask a hairdesser where to get a metal nail file till you find the right thicknessed wood file. Finish with a guitar G string nut file. I'll look tomorrow to see if I have a package of saw blades or take a photo.


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I just used a fret saw. For the cross slot, I used a knife with a thin metal rule. I stole the ebony part off a cheap tailpiece once, they a more trouble than the slot. Now I just drill holes, and call it good!

I do like matching fittings too. 

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