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Upcoming Musical Instrument Auctions WORLDWIDE (January-December 2021)- List on first page


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Hi All,


Here is a list of upcoming musical instrument auctions WORLDWIDE for anyone that is interested: (I think this is most of them but please let me know if there are others)

In general I will only list auction houses that either regularly sell musical instruments or are selling over 10 instruments that are in some way interesting.

I will try and be inclusive of all types of musical instruments but it is likely that these listing are more strings focused.


For Auctions with small numbers of instruments for sale at general auction you are best to look online at the Sale Room / Live Auctioneers / Invaluable / Cata Wiki / Good Will etc.







I now have a dodgy YouTube Channel where I just browse the catalogs and talk rubbish, if you want to watch the videos check HERE.


(LAST UPDATED 14th December 2021)

Please note that this list is continually being updated to be as accurate as possible, but auction dates often shift on a regular basis without warning.

In date order:           January ---> December





(UK) Hannams - January 11th - 15th (2021) - Art and antiques (includes a small selection of violins / bows) - https://hannamsauctioneers.com/auction/

(UK) Bromptons - January 13th - 22nd (2021) - General Instruments - https://www.bromptons.co/auction/13th-22nd-january-2021/list/page-1.html

(UK) Amati - January 18th - 27th (2021) - Specialist - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1074-amati-specialist-27th-january              (AFTER SALE UNTIL 1ST FEBRUARY 2021)



(USA) Tarisio T2 - February 4th (2021) - Affordable - https://t2-auctions.com/auctions/?csid=2199388160

(UK) Amber Violins - February 9th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.amberviolins.com/february-2021-auction/

(UK) Tennants - February 10th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://bid.tennants.co.uk/m/view-auctions/catalog/id/935

(HK) FX TOURTE - February 9th - 23rd (2021) - Bows - https://fxtourteauctions.com/pages/auctions

(UK) Amati - February 12th - 25th (2021) - Affordable - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1075-amati-affordable-24th-february

(UK) TW Gaze - February 24th (2021) - Music Sale - https://www.twgaze.co.uk/auctions/catalogues-and-auctions/current-catalogues/musical-instruments/

(GER) Mehlis - February 25th -27th (2021) - General Auction with Musical Instruments - https://www.mehlis.eu/de/catalogs/10120/102/?page=3



(UK) Ramco - February 10th - March 2nd (2021) - Military musical instruments surplus - https://auctions.ramco.uk/auctions/7734/ramco-10272

(UK) Peter Wilson - March 4th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.wilson55.com/auction/details/MUS0321-musical-instruments/?au=333

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - March 10th (2021) - Guitars - https://bid.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/m/view-auctions/info/id/204

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - March 11th (2021) - Guitars - https://bid.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/m/view-auctions/info/id/205

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - March 12th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://bid.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/m/view-auctions/info/id/206

(FRA) Vichy Encheres -  March 16th (2021) - Instruments and wood - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-en-live-a-13h-dinstruments-detude-et-de-bois-de-lutherie-285328/

(FRA) Vichy Encheres -  March 17th (2021) - Instruments and Bows - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-en-live-a-13h-dinstruments-detude-et-de-bois-de-lutherie-285330/

(FRA) Vichy Encheres -  March 18th (2021) - Instruments and Bows - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-en-live-a-13h-dinstruments-detude-et-de-bois-de-lutherie-285332/

(UK) Bromptons - March 10th - 22nd (2021) - General Sale - https://www.bromptons.co/auction/10th-22nd-march-2021/list/page-1.html

(USA) Tarisio - March 9th - 25th (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://tarisio.com/auctions/auction/?csid=2199404544

(USA) Julien's - March 26-27th (2021) - Property of Hal Zwicke and the Gretsch Estate - https://www.julienslive.com/m/view-auctions/catalog/id/376

(USA) Burley - March 27th (2021) - Ted Nugent - Guitars and things  - https://www.icollector.com/The-Ted-Nugent-Guns-Guitars-Cars-Collection-Auction_as71090

(UK) Amati - March 19th - 31st (2021) - Specialist - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1076-amati-specialist-31st-march



(FRA) DE BAECQUE et Associés -  April 1st (2021) - Wind and Stringed Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/instruments-de-musique-284351/

(JPN) Sunrise - March 23rd - April 8th (2021) - Specialist - https://www.sunrise-auction.com/auction_list.php?aid=413024609

(FRA) Rossini -  April 8th (2021) - Instruments and Bows - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/tableaux-anciens-instruments-de-musique-mobilier-et-objets-dart-288867/

(UK) Hannams - April 6th - 9th (2021) - Art and antiques (includes a small selection of violins / bows) - https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/hannams-auctioneers/catalogue-id-srhan10097/search-filter?archiveSearch=False&categoryCode=MUS#lot-d8792b80-6b7d-44dd-a8cd-acfb00d0ab2b

(USA) Heritage - April 11th (2021) - Guitars & Amps - https://entertainment.ha.com/vintage-guitars-and-musical-instruments/

(USA) Tarisio T2 - March 30th - 15th April (2021) - Affordable - https://t2-auctions.com/auctions/?csid=2199420928

(FRA) SVV Farrando -  April 16th (2021) - Violins & Bows - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/belle-vente-mobiliere-285587/

(USA) Helmuth Stone Gallery - 18th April (2021) - Small selection of violins - https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/199331_important-fine-art-and-chinese-antiques/?sort=LOT_NUMBER_LOWEST_FIRST

(UK) Amber Violins - April 10th-20th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.amberviolins.com/april-20-2021-auction/

(USA) NYE - 21st - 22nd April (2021) - Small selection of violins with carved heads - http://auction.nyeandcompany.com/Category/Musical_Instruments-22.html

(UK) Mallams - April 21st - 22nd (2021) - Art and antiques (includes a small selection of violins / bows) - https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/mallams-ltd-oxford/catalogue-id-srmalla10104/search-filter?archiveSearch=False&categoryCode=MUS

(NETHERLANDS) Derksen - April 19th-23rd (2021) - A small number of violins - https://derksen.cloudcatalogus.nl/Home/Catalog

(FRA) Apollium -  April 16th-26th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://en.apollium.fr/catalogue/vente_35_instruments-univers-de-la-musique-n-35

(UK) Piano Auctions Ltd - April 27th (2021) - Pianos and Keyboard instruments - https://pianoauctions.co.uk/27th-april-2021-catalogue

(UK) Amati - April 16th - 28th (2021) - Affordable Instruments - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1077-amati-affordable-28th-april



(FRA) Vichy Encheres -  May 1st (2021) - String and Wind Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-en-live-a-14-h-vente-dinstruments-a-vent-et-cordes-pincees-collection-delile-285335/

(UK) Adam Partridge - May 11th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://live.adampartridge.co.uk/m/view-auctions/catalog/id/226

(UK) Amati - May 18th - 26th (2021) - Makers Sale - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1078-the-makers-sale-26th-may/detail

(UK) Tennants - May 26th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://bid.tennants.co.uk/m/view-auctions/catalog/id/968

(GER) Mehlis - May 27th -29th (2021) - General Auction with Musical Instruments - https://www.mehlis.eu/de/catalogs/10221/102/



(FRA) SVV Farrando -  June 1st (2021) - Quartet Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/instruments-de-musique-du-quatuor-288846/

(FRA) Vichy Encheres -  June 1st (2021) - Quartet Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-dinstruments-du-quatuor-285338/

(FRA) Vichy Encheres -  June 2nd (2021) - Quartet Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-dinstruments-du-quatuor-285339/

(FRA) Vichy Encheres -  June 3rd (2021) - Quartet Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-dinstruments-du-quatuor-285340/

(UK) Bromptons - May 28th - June 7th (2021) - Fine Sale - https://www.bromptons.co/auction/28th-may-7th-june-2021/list/page-1.html - After sale up until 12th

(UK) Tarisio - May 25th - June 7th (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - June 2021 London Fine Instruments & Bows (tarisio.com)

(UK) Ingles & Hayday - June 4th - 8th (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://ingleshayday.com/auction/1017-3/

(AT) Dorotheum - June 2nd -9th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.dorotheum.com/en/c/musical-instruments-302/  CANCELLED!

(FRA) Tarn Sales Hall -  June 10th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/instruments-de-musique-nombre-limite-de-places-assises-en-salle-a-30-reservation-sur-appel-aupres-de-letude-nous-ne-prenons-plus-les-cheques-288168/

(FRA) Apollium -  June 4th- 14th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://en.apollium.fr/catalogue/vente_31_instruments-univers-de-la-musique-n36

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - June 16th (2021) - Guitars - https://auctions.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/catalogue/00be38f0d68cd045fef26faa124236fa/63b778f7668dabe928d3800924a99077/the-guitar-auction-two-day-sale-including-guitars-enterta/

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - June 17th (2021) - Guitars - https://auctions.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/catalogue/00be38f0d68cd045fef26faa124236fa/aa3256dfaa581b83dd9a740d7ec8e30d/the-guitar-auction-two-day-sale-including-guitars-enterta/

(USA) Tarisio T2 - June 1st - 17th (2021) - Affordable - https://t2-auctions.com/auctions/?csid=2199453696

(USA) Skinners - June 7th - 17th (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://live.skinnerinc.com/auctions/4-2NHE05

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - June 18th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://auctions.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/catalogue/550419d223dad9cef07926b2fe72a915/63b778f7668dabe928d3800924a99077/musical-instruments/

(UK) Piano Auctions Ltd - June 29th (2021) - Pianos - https://pianoauctions.co.uk/auction-calendar/auction-29th-june-2021

UK) Amati - June 18th - 30th (2021) - Specialist - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1079-amati-specialist-30th-june/detail



UK) TW Gaze - July 1st (2021) - Musical Instruments -https://www.twgaze.co.uk/auctions/catalogues-and-auctions/current-catalogues/musical-instruments/

(UK) Anderson Garland - July 8th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.andersonandgarland.com/auction/details/MUS080721-the-music-auction/?au=433

(USA) Tarisio - June 22nd - July 8th (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://tarisio.com/auctions/auction/?csid=2199437312

(FRA) Rennes Encheres  -  July 13th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/instruments-de-musique-294189/

(JPN) Sunsrise - June 29th - July 14/15th (2021) - Musical Instruments -https://www.sunrise-auction.com/auction_list.php?aid=265662159

(UK) Wilson 55 - July 15th (2021) - Musical Instruments -https://www.wilson55.com/auction-calendar/ - CANCELLED

(USA) NYE & Company - July 21st - 22nd (2021) - Violins - http://auction.nyeandcompany.com/Category/Musical_Instruments-22.html

(UK) Amati - July 16th - 28th (2021) - Affordable Instruments - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1080-amati-affordable-28th-july

(USA) Heritage - July 31st (2021) - Neil Schon Guitar Collection - https://entertainment.ha.com/c/search-results.zx?N=3189+793+794+791+792+2088+4294940940&ic=Items-OpenAuctions-Open-BrowseCatalog-051914



(USA) Tarisio T2 - 14th July - 5th August (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://t2-auctions.com/auctions/?csid=2199502848

(GER) Mehlis - August 26th - 28th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.mehlis.eu/de/catalogs/10321/102/



(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - September 8th (2021) - Guitars - https://auctions.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/catalogue/778b43bf12b0ddb6774490eac5a91de1/63b778f7668dabe928d3800924a99077/the-guitar-auction-online-only-two-day-sale-including-gu/

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - September 9th (2021) - Guitars and Amps - https://auctions.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/catalogue/778b43bf12b0ddb6774490eac5a91de1/aa3256dfaa581b83dd9a740d7ec8e30d/the-guitar-auction-online-only-two-day-sale-including-gu/

(JPN) Sunrise - August 31st - September 9th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.sunrise-auction.com/auction_list.php?aid=290686448

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - September 10th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://auctions.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/catalogue/f818187896b5c7c13584dc1131073bb5/63b778f7668dabe928d3800924a99077/musical-instruments/

(UK) Bromptons - September 1st - 10th (2021) - General Sale - https://www.bromptons.co/auction/1st-10th-september-2021/list/page-1.html

(UK) Piano Auctions Ltd - September 21st (2021) - Pianos -https://pianoauctions.co.uk/21st-september-2021-catalogue

(FRA) Vichy Encheres - September 28th (2021) - Musical Instruments -  https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-en-live-a-14-h-livres-musique-disques-instruments-detude-297008/

(UK) Amati - September 17th - 29th (2021) - Affordable Instruments - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1081-amati-affordable-29th-september

(UK) Tennants - September 29th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://bid.tennants.co.uk/m/view-auctions/catalog/id/1019?page=1&items=200

(FRA) Vichy Encheres - September 29th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-en-live-a-14-h-lutherie-detude-297009/

(FRA) Vichy Encheres - September 30th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-en-live-a-14-h-lutherie-detude-297010/



(USA) Tarisio T2 - October 7th (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://t2-auctions.com/auctions/?csid=2199519232

(UK) Amati - October 1st - 14th (2021) - Wood from Florian Leonhards workshop - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1085-tonewood-from-the-workshop-of-florian-leonhard

(UK) Adam Partridge - October 14th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://live.adampartridge.co.uk/m/view-auctions/catalog/id/231?page=1&view=list&sale=undefined&cat=8&catm=any&order=order_num&xclosed=no&featured=no

(AUSTRIA) Dorotheum - October 20th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.dorotheum.com/en/a/80566/

(FRA) Vichy Encheres - October 22nd (2021) - Instruments of the Paris Conservatoire -  https://vichy-encheres.com/en/auctions/events/

(GER) Tarisio - October 12th - 25th (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://tarisio.com/auctions/auction/?csid=2199470080

(UK) Anderson Garland - October 28th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.andersonandgarland.com/auction/details/MUS281021-the-music-auction/?au=470



(UK) Tarisio - October 19th - November 1st (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://tarisio.com/auctions/auction/?csid=2199535616&showall=1&pg=0

(UK) Bromptons - October 25th - November 1st (2021) - Fine Sale - https://www.bromptons.co/auction/25th-oct-1st-nov-2021/list/page-1.html

(UK) Ingles & Hayday - October 29th - November 2nd (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://ingleshayday.com/auction/1018-3/

(UK) Amati - October 22nd - November 3rd (2021) - Specialist Instruments - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1082-amati-specialist-3rd-november/detail

(FRA) Vichy Encheres - November 5th (2021) - Wind and Plucked Instruments -  https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-dinstruments-a-vent-a-cordes-pincees-et-de-musique-populaire-collection-michel-durand-297013/

(FRA) Vichy Encheres - November 6th (2021) - Wind and Plucked Instruments -  https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-dinstruments-a-vent-et-a-cordes-pincees-297014/

(USA) Heritage - November 7th (2021) - Guitars & Amps - https://entertainment.ha.com/heritage-auctions-schedule.s?ic=Tab-BidBuy-FullSchedule-111815

(JAPAN) Sunrise - October 26th - November 11th (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://www.sunrise-auction.com/auction.php

(FRA) DE BAECQUE et Associés -  November 17th (2021) - Wind and Stringed Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/instruments-de-musique-292842/

(UK) Thomson Roddick - November 17th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.thomsonroddick.com/catalogue/4267960d9ee907d8de2cb6b2ff72098b/234ee8408ea626887a25312564534f0c/collectors-music-and-vinyl-records-to-include-lomax-kit/?categoryFilter=%2CMUS&currentPageNo=1

(USA) Tarisio - November 2nd - 18th (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://tarisio.com/auctions/auction/?csid=2199486464

(UK) David Duggleby - November 19th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.davidduggleby.com/auctions/191120211989/MusicalScientificInstrumentsCamerasMaritime.aspx

(GER) Mehlis -  November 18th - 20th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.mehlis.eu/de/catalogs/10421/102/

(FRA) Apollium -  November 10th- 21st (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://en.apollium.fr/catalogue/vente_39_instruments-univers-de-la-musique

(UK) Amati - November 12th - 24th (2021) - Makers sale - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1083-the-makers-sale-24th-november

(UK) Omega - November 30th (2021) - Guitars and Equipment - https://bid.omegaauctions.co.uk/auction/details/A170A-guitars-instruments--audio-equipment/?au=48

(FRA) Vichy Encheres - November 30th (2021) - Quartet Instruments -  https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-dinstruments-du-quatuor-297015/



(FRA) Vichy Encheres - December 1st (2021) - Quartet Instruments  -  https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-dinstruments-du-quatuor-297016/

(FRA) Vichy Encheres - December 2nd (2021) - Quartet Instruments -  https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/vente-dinstruments-du-quatuor-297017/

(USA) Skinners - December 5th (2021) - Fine String Instruments - https://live.skinnerinc.com/auctions/4-4CVDMZ?limit=96

(UK) Amati - November 26th - December 8th (2021) - Affordable Instruments - https://app.amati.com/en/auction/1084-amati-affordable-8th-december/detail

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - December 8th (2021) - Guitars - https://auctions.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/catalogue/0588b0fd2af1bc14f9bf3549b50cd403/63b778f7668dabe928d3800924a99077/the-guitar-auction-online-only-two-day-sale-including-gu/

(FRA) Copages Auction - December 9th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/instruments-de-musique-vintage-moog-minimoog-solaris-arturia-rickenbacker-gibson-300772/

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - December 9th (2021) - Guitars - https://auctions.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/catalogue/0588b0fd2af1bc14f9bf3549b50cd403/aa3256dfaa581b83dd9a740d7ec8e30d/the-guitar-auction-online-only-two-day-sale-including-gu/

(UK) Gardiner Houlgate - December 10th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://auctions.gardinerhoulgate.co.uk/catalogue/66733c1a8317fd55d7917ff5110d80a6/63b778f7668dabe928d3800924a99077/musical-instruments/

(FRA) Provence Encheres - December 11th (2021) - Musical Instruments - https://www.interencheres.com/meubles-objets-art/art-asiatique-suite-a-lj-bijoux-instruments-de-musique-vins-champagnes-art-de-la-table-mobilier-300735/?page=6

(UK) Bromptons - December 3rd - 13th (2021) - General Sale - https://www.bromptons.co/auction/

(USA) Skinners - December 14th (2021) - Fine Wind Instruments - https://www.skinnerinc.com/auctions/3867T

(UK) Piano Auctions Ltd - December 14th (2021) - Pianos - https://pianoauctions.co.uk/14th-december-2021-auction-catalogue

(USA) Christies - 16th December (2021) - Nile Rogers guitar collection -https://www.christies.com/en/auction/the-nile-rodgers-collection-to-benefit-the-we-are-family-foundation-29143/

(USA) Tarisio T2 - November 24th - 16th December (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://t2-auctions.com/auctions/?csid=2199552000

(JAPAN) Sunrise Auctions - December 7th - 23rd (2021) - Fine Instruments and Bows - https://www.sunrise-auction.com/auction.php




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In 2021 I am thinking about throwing myself to the Wolves and starting a youtube channel where I look over the auction catalogues of the big auction houses when they go live and just explore what is around in a very informal low brow way.

 I will probably just go by the name Auction Idiot or something and see how it goes......... Just as a way to fuel my own interest and hopefully gain some more knowledge from painful feedback..... 

See how it goes.......



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I have updated this to be worldwide now, but as we are still in 2020 there are not that many auctions listed so far.

A few of the US auction houses haven't updated their calendars yet and I haven't found much in Europe so far.

If you notice any big ones that are missing, especially in France and Germany let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 minute ago, twcellist said:

Took a quick peak and rather disappointed at the celli they have. :mellow: Not sure why Amati in general have not had any good celli lately...

The first school of Kennedy cello looks interesting.

I think it is very difficult for auction houses to get instruments during the pandemic especially in the UK.

Some people don't want to leave their house at all, travel is limited and going on long journeys to collect things could see you fined by the police. The post service and even couriers are seeing massive delays.

The situation is just not a good one.

I'm in London and not far from central and we haven't recieved any mail for almost a week. The sorting hubs are lcosed due to Corona outbreaks.




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19 minutes ago, twcellist said:

Took a quick peak and rather disappointed at the celli they have. :mellow: Not sure why Amati in general have not had any good celli lately...

Good Afternoon Mr. Twcellist - nobody regrets the absence more than I, but you can probably guess why it is hard to find good cellos in the current climate.

My experience is that it is much harder to do any business at all during Lockdown V3. We managed to keep spinning along through 2020, but - and with good reason - people are less likely to meet at all now that they know the vaccine is round the corner. 

I am praying that when things clear up then I can leap around the UK like a gazelle, and, then, when things become easier internationally hop on planes, but in the meantime you are definitely looking at a tightening of supply.


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James- You might want your consignors to remove their instruments ads if they are consigning it to you on auction. Else, the auction price will never move. Lot 109 is being sold by JP Guiver on their website for 6000 and has been consigned to Amati with a starting bid for the same price :-) 

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18 minutes ago, martin swan said:

Yogic, for exactly the same reason, if this is a genuine concern of yours then you might want to communicate it in a PM to Amati, rather than set it in stone here on Maestronet for all to see ...

Of Course I want everyone to see it. The auctioneer has nothing to lose if the item does not sell. But a buyer who bids the instrument to hundreds of pounds higher than what it is being publicly sold for in addition to paying the hefty premium would walk away feeling cheated. And lets also note that if the retail price of JP Guivier is 6000, the actual cost will be much lower for the dealer.An auctioneer should not just be fair to the seller but also the buyer.People come to auctions looking for fair deals but if the auctioneer takes a dealers inventory and posts it for an auction with the bid starting at the retail price offered by the dealer , thats not correct at all. I will now start suspecting if the rest of the items are also similar.

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1 hour ago, Yogic said:

Of Course I want everyone to see it. The auctioneer has nothing to lose if the item does not sell. But a buyer who bids the instrument to hundreds of pounds higher than what it is being publicly sold for in addition to paying the hefty premium would walk away feeling cheated. And lets also note that if the retail price of JP Guivier is 6000, the actual cost will be much lower for the dealer.An auctioneer should not just be fair to the seller but also the buyer.People come to auctions looking for fair deals but if the auctioneer takes a dealers inventory and posts it for an auction with the bid starting at the retail price offered by the dealer , thats not correct at all. I will now start suspecting if the rest of the items are also similar.

The shop offers it at £6,000.00,  but  the Amati opening bid is only £5,000.00.  :)

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27 minutes ago, Violadamore said:

The auctioneer has nothing to lose if the item does not sell.

Actually auctioneers do have a sales and marketing investment in every item in their catalog, and Amati charges a consigner 15% of the estimate if the item is withdrawn by the consigner before the auction. I believe that it is standard practice for all major auction houses to charge a fee to a consigner if the consigner withdraws their lot(s). I think Tarisio charges the full 20% seller's fee for a withdrawn lot.

They want sellers' remorse to be painful and expensive because they do lose money when a seller withdraws a lot.

I don't know if it is a violation of the Consignment Agreement to publicly offer an instrument for sale once it is in the Auction catalog. I thought that once listed the Auction House has an exclusive right of to sell it.

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9 minutes ago, GeorgeH said:

Actually auctioneers do have a sales and marketing investment in every item in their catalog, and Amati charges a consigner 15% of the estimate if the item is withdrawn by the consigner before the auction. I believe that it is standard practice for all major auction houses to charge a fee to a consigner if the consigner withdraws their lot(s). I think Tarisio charges the full 20% seller's fee for a withdrawn lot.

They want sellers' remorse to be painful and expensive because they do lose money when a seller withdraws a lot.

I don't know if it is a violation of the Consignment Agreement to publicly offer an instrument for sale once it is in the Auction catalog. I thought that once listed the Auction House has an exclusive right of to sell it.

So it means they have nothing to lose.If the auction ends in a sale, they pocket the seller and buyer commission. If the consignor withdraws the item, they recover their cost by charging the consignor.If it does not sell, they 


35 minutes ago, Violadamore said:

The shop offers it at £6,000.00,  but  the Amati opening bid is only £5,000.00.  :)

No, the buyer pays 22% commission and  the final bill to the buyer comes to around 6100.

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Even if I am the 

38 minutes ago, Violadamore said:

The shop offers it at £6,000.00,  but  the Amati opening bid is only £5,000.00.  :)

Even if I am the only bidder, I will still pay to Amati more than what I would have paid to JP Guivier for buying the same instrument from their website. 5000 bid +1100 commission. 

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