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Fake Vuillaume Copy???


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I generally like Vuillaume a paris copies of violins. Tried some in the past, often without many bad things to say about them. I was looking to buy one and I came across this violin.

It has vuillaume a paris stamped on the back and a label, very potentially fake. But I am entirely confused about what kind of physical proportions this violin has. I've seen a lot of violins but NEVER like this one. Does anyone have any clue? I think it must be too thin/weirdly shaped to be a strad copy.

Honestly, I think it's kinda hypnotic. Lol



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Maybe the case is unduly wide ....

Seriously, there were dozens of workshops who produced Vuillaume-labelled violins, in Mirecourt and in Markneukirchen. So there's no possibility that there would be any consistency in how they sound.

If something has "Vuillaume a Paris" stamped on the back, then it's almost certainly German or very recent. So there's no question as to whether the label is fake or not.

In all cases, these violins bear no relation to Vuillaume in model, detail or anything else. They are simply trade violins with the word Vuillaume stuck on them somewhere.

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Yeah, I know...good point. I still think the violin itself is thinner than usual, though. I've compared pictures of strads to get an idea of how much.

More interested in this particular unique shape though. Honestly, just curious about how this one would sound based on such a form factor. I'm always interested when I see major deviations like this, usually only to find the sound is generally less pleasing than a standard shaped violin, for good reason...

In any case if anyone has a guess as to a model it was based off, I'd be very happy to hear it!


Edited by MinkeyDGreat
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