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Checking case clearance at bridge


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I thought of a simple way to check clearance at the bridge inside a closed case. Wish I thought of it before, but if anyone has a better way I'd love to know. Pretty common concern, but I've usually relied on wear patterns and my best guess.

To check the clearance I used a piece of drafting tape with a second piece folded over so the middle was not sticky. I used this to create a pocket that a short piece of wood (I used a tongue depressor) can slide up and down with little resistance when taped against the back of the bridge. End result is that I can close the case and check the clearance.

This bridge broke because the case it was kept in makes contact with the bridge when it is closed, but before recommending a replacement I wanted to know there was plenty of space. Also notable, leaning hard on the cover of the case (it's a foam case for a cheap cello) depressed the case 5mm towards the bridge.


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