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I'm planning on buying a violin, and I came across one with amazing sound. It's being sold for 73,000 RMB (Chinese yuan), and I wanted to ask if it's actually worth that much?


On the inside, it says that G. S. Tartini and that it is modeled after a 1725 Stradivarius.


Through some of my own research, I have found that Tartini violins like these are from a firm called the Schuster Brothers, but I have been unable to find much information specifically directed towards their Tartini violins.


If anyone has any extra info, I'd very much appreciate it!




I am not one of the experts in appraising violins here, but I have a few suggestions.  One is that it might help if you could post images of the violin on some website that you could link here, then we all can see it.  Once you've had ten posts on maestronet, then you can post images directly here.


My casual calculation puts this price at $11,700USD which is a lot amount of money for this violin, in my opinion.  My understanding is that Schuster Brothers violins are German workshop-made instruments from the early 20th century, and that the "Tartini" label was for one of their premium violins, but still I would think that the price you gave is several times the violin's value.  Here is an earlier maestronet thread that discusses these violins... 




Hopefully someone with more knowledge and experience will contribute.


Cheers, Paul

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