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I am online now looking for strings for a violin that will sound better with work .What are the best strings i can get in your oppinion and were should i buy?? thanks~~

I like medium Dominants with the silver D and the Pirastro Gold Label E. Try Shar Music or Southwest Strings.

I am online now looking for strings for a violin that will sound better with work .What are the best strings i can get in your oppinion and were should i buy?? thanks~~

This is a question you should ask your luthier who can hear your violin with whatever strings you have now and give an educated opinion. We cannot hear your violin. Different strings sound different on different violins. There are no "best strings", only the ones that sound best on your particular violin. What I use, which works really well for me, might sound horrible on your instrument. Your post will likely generate at least one vote for every kind of string. That said, Dominants tend to be the strings most people start with because they are sort of middle of the road in terms of characteristics. If you don't like the sound they give you, you can tell your luthier about it and s/he can recommend something that will help you acheive the sound you want. Good luck!


Pirastro Tonica is another middle-of-the-road synthetic string that a lot of people like. I agree with Thom, I start with Dominant or Tonica and then vary later depending on characteristics I think are missing. It can take a while to sort out; I went through 4 or 5 brands over 4 years, and a bunch of different E strings, before I found a set I was happy with on my main violin. (Its maker told me recently that he's found that his violins perform best with yet another brand that I haven't tried!) That said, after listening to professional recordings made with this instrument early on and recently, I'm now convinced that many of the differences are perceptible only to the player, not to the listener!

I ordered these Pirastro Evah Pirazzi strings for 65 with shipping,Any comments on these strings?? thanks~~


Dominant are used to be good and reasonble. Due to its popularity they are not that affordable any more. I am trying

American made strings as an alternative. ( dollar value drops is another reason ) If you want, try Pro Arte's , a bit too bright

for me but more reasonable. Paristro was once my favorite, but I could not afford it any more. (I have too many violins)


Lots of violinists like Evah Pirazzis, but some people don't like them, as you'd expect I guess! Personally I've thought about trying a set since my luthier suggested them but balk at the price, especially since I have a suspicion they'd be too bright on my (fairly bright sounding) violin. I think that $65 is a pretty good price for those strings; when I looked recently the lowest I found was $72.


No mention here of Warchal's strings. I've been using Karneols for a while now, I suppose I have been through half a dozen sets. I love the feel of them under the fingers, the "refined", flexible sound. I tried Warchal Brilliants, but yesterday I ordered a new set of Karneols.

Their E string is nothing special though IMO, and I haven't yet settled on a substitute. I've ordered a couple of Pirastro Gold Es, as they seem to be a common choice.

Evah Ps are twice the price of Karneols!

I ordered these Pirastro Evah Pirazzi strings for 65 with shipping,Any comments on these strings?? thanks~~

As many have stated, you don't know until you try, and as expensive as they are getting, and all the new strings on the market, it is not an easy proposition.

After all the raves about EPs on this forum, I tried them on my viola. Absolutely the worst sounding strings I ever put on that instrument. I'm sticking with Dominant, I've used them for 30 years, they work great, so no reason to experiment again. I think Larson are a little better, but not enough to justify the cost.

On my violin I use Infeld Blues. I like them very much, but need to find a better E, it whistles too much.

Here is a review by Strings Magazine:


  • 2 months later...
Lots of violinists like Evah Pirazzis, but some people don't like them, as you'd expect I guess! Personally I've thought about trying a set since my luthier suggested them but balk at the price, especially since I have a suspicion they'd be too bright on my (fairly bright sounding) violin. I think that $65 is a pretty good price for those strings; when I looked recently the lowest I found was $72.

I have the evah pirazzis on my fiddle, and I find them to be quite responsive and give great projection in sound.

I ordered these Pirastro Evah Pirazzi strings for 65 with shipping,Any comments on these strings?? thanks~~

Evahs are quite bright. That may or may not work for your violin. Good luck.


I have tried so many brands and gauges of strings. And I liked many of them at the time.

Of the Evah Pirazzi strings, I get most utility from the "stark" gauge, which really surprised me. They are powerful with lots of overtones. I would not reject this brand without giving the heaviest gauge a try.



I use Helicore Lights on my violin (wound E), and viola, and cello. And have no complaints. Since I am a composer rather than a professional musician my vote matters little. But my instruments with the D'Addario strings are much better than I am so they make me happy.

Rick Draganowski

(Soli Deo Gloria)


I can't figure out how to delete this post. So instead, I will add that, although expensive, Pirastro's new line of Passiones sound fantastic on violins. They aren't as long-lived as synthetics, but the sound is gorgeous.


I use Helicore Lights on my violin (wound E), and viola, and cello. And have no complaints. Since I am a composer rather than a professional musician my vote matters little. But my instruments with the D'Addario strings are much better than I am so they make me happy.

Yeah, I like Helicores on my viola (w/ Evah A). They last forever, are very stable, and aren't pricey. I also love the gauge. If you aren't trying to compensate for any essential weaknesses in your instrument, they are great.



It's a loaded question in a way, since almost all luthiers will admit that a string that sounds great on one violin may sound bad on another. Unless you have a good ear for the sound of different strings on different violins (which takes a bit of experience), a good luthier who listens to your violin may be able to help you choose a complimenting string. It's quite possible that a middle line string may sound better then a top line string on a given violin, even if the violin itself is top notch. It's easy to identify a very high quality string construction wise, but it has always seemed to me that the best sounding string depends almost entirely on the instrument it is used on.

  • 2 weeks later...
I am online now looking for strings for a violin that will sound better with work .What are the best strings i can get in your oppinion and were should i buy?? thanks~~

<p>There is a new kind of Warchal Brilliant string set called "Vintage" on sale on eBay at fsg88 for $25. I just put them on my 1927 J.R. Carlisle and I am really, really liking them. They have a very deep, varied, pleasing tone right out of the bag, with no popcorn noises or nasal qualities most perlon strings possess. My old JR sounds like a new fiddle with that old ring and sizzle but with an added depth! These strings brought out some hidden strengths in the instrument. I think these are the best you can get right now without spending a full weeks food budget. Strings are just outrageous right now and the big houses never cut the customer any slack. I have also used the Warchal Karneol and Amethyst on various instruments and I liked them. I have tried Dominants and they are usually O.K., except the "e" which always stinks. Visions and Infeld Blues are too artificial sounding -kazoo like on most instruments, very shallow and bright. I like Larson Tzgane, Infeld Red and Obligato but they are way too pricey. Evah Pirazzis I only tried on one violin once and they sounded like a garbage truck so I didn't use them again but maybe someday... I want to try Corelli Crystals some time because they are cheap and price is a big issue. I like Tonicas- I bought a set from Shar and Ouch! Didn't save any money on that! If the economy doesn't recover I'll let this forum know how the nylon fishing line is sounding.

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