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: Has anyone had any trouble taking their violin on

: as a carry-on for a United flight?

I have had no trouble whatsoever, and I DO travel a lot. But here are the reasons why:

1) I get to board earlier than most folks because I'm a United frequent flier. As a result I have plenty of room in the coach overhead bins in which to place my violin.

2) If, for whatever reason, I DON'T get to board early, I find that using a small case makes it easy to stuff the violin just about anywhere. For this purpose I use Bobelock's small, violin-shaped case.

3) I make sure that my other carry-on, if I have one, is as small as possible. Remember, the rule is two small carry-ons plus a SMALL purse (25 linear inches or less). Large purses count as a carry-on. If you have a large carry-on, a large purse, and a large violin case, you may run into trouble.

I have not tried to take a violin on United's international flights.


"United's North American carry-on baggage policy:

You may carry on a maximum of two reasonably-sized carry-ons, no larger than 45 linear inches

Linear inches - length plus width plus height (9"x 14" x 22)"


I have never had trouble taking my cases on board, even a Pro Tech double. I just make certain that my violins are the only carry on I have. It is worth it to check my other bags, even if there are small. The violins also make a good conversation starter.

steve g.


I have had no trouble at all carrying on my violins. My case is a Pro-Tech double violin case. However, I check-in everything else that I am taking on the flight.

One helpful hint: Use a case that has a strap on it. This way you can put the strap on your shoulder, and "hide" the case behind your back while walking onto the plane. As you pass the flight attendants waiting at the door, suavely move the case to the front of your body. In my opinion, the flight attendants cannot complain about something that they do not see :-)

I did have a friend, however, who did have a little trouble carrying on a double violin case. He said that the flight attendant told him, "Sir, you will have to gate check that". Horror filled his mind, of course. Then he very politely pleaded with the lady, "Mam, is there any possible way that I can carry these violins on board?" Her reply, "Nope...there is simply not enough room for that case." What was he to do? Surely his violins could be smashed to bits if it was allowed to be "man-handled" by those people who make a living throwing the passengers' luggage from truck to plane and vice versa. Here is what he asked her next - "Mam, can your airline insure these violins? They are very old and have been appraised to the value of $60,000.00 ." She then left for a moment and spoke to someone on the plane. She then returned and told him that he could carry them onto the plane. What's funny is that both violins together were worth approx. $1,000 instead of $60,000. Nevertheless, he succeeded in protecting what was sentimentally invaluable to him. Sure he lied to the lady, but I would (and probably many others) do the same thing in that situation.

Hope this helps...........Yours truly,

John Johnson

Nashville, Tennessee, USA


I don't fly United A. I've never had any problem with North West Airline. One time I even brought my 4-violin case on board and was surprised to find another person had the same case on board while on the way to VSA meeting.


Make certain ahead of time what type of plane you'll be on. Basically, if your flight number is in the 4 or 5 thousands (ex., flight #4235) it will be a small prop plane, not a jet, and that's where you'll be most likely to have problems w/carry-ons.

Has anyone had any trouble taking their violin on

: as a carry-on for a United flight?

  • 2 weeks later...

: Has anyone had any trouble taking their violin on

: as a carry-on for a United flight?

Nope. I have taken my violin on international flights too, and no one has said a word to me. However I am always careful to take no other carry-ons (besides a small purse) when I travel with it. For my peace of mind, however, I always travel with a heavy oblong case-- if I end up carrying it everywhere it is a pain, but the security makes it worthwile for me. Once I stuffed every last corner of the case with foam sponges in case they might make me check it in. Anyway, United usually good about it. If you ever do check it in, though, the airline has restrictions on the amount of insurance they will provide.

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