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The boards are a bit slow, so here's a "dumb" question.What do the titles mean? I get the Stranger and Newbie, but what is the difference between an Old Hand and an Addict? - A Junior Member and an Enthusiast? Is there some order of merit that I don't get? And who decides all of this? If Member is the highest, there seem to be a whole lot of extremely knowledgeable and well informed professionals who are not Members! What are Members members of? The only trace of logic I can see is that luthiers tend to be Members more than players.... I am not trying to stir up controversy, just trying to figure out what the relevance is here. Cheers, Larry.

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Hi C.T.- We've had 40+ inches of rain so far- it's threatening to wash most of the varnish off my violins. Maybe I should bring them indoors. My lovely wife is tugging at me to go to the Southwest-- we both love the beautiful pots, baskets rugs etc. - not easily found here. Cheers, Larry. P.S. I appreciate learning about the FRATERNITY , thanks a bunch of bananas...


This must be a TABOO TOPIC (da da-da da). I would still be grateful for any enlightenment. Anybody? Or do I have to start calling on you???


I find it a bit of a trauma hanging mine out to dry. Its covered in dog and cat hairs, blossom, dust and other things at the moment - and my violin looks a bit of a mess as well. Te he!


This is how things are supposed to work, according to the number of posts contributed:

0 stranger

25 newbie

50 journeyman

100 member

200 enthusiast

400 addict

700 old hand

1200 veteran

1600 Pooh-Bah

2500 Carpal 'Tunnel

It is obvious that Maestronet's software cannot handle this, hence the status of some which remains locked-in "till the end of time" - despite my number of posts, I'm still designated an "enthusiast".


Though I run the risk of losing my Mastronet card, I will divulge this most guarded of secrets. The titles refer to your number of posts -- you need 400 posts for "Addict" and 700 for "old Hand". Hence, the difference between Addict and Old Hand is 300. I will, however, leave you to figure out the secret handshake on your own...

There's a full explanation on the FAQ link.


Then WHY isn't Jacob a POOH- BAH???? There's something shifty going on here. Also , the campfire is starting to turn to embers. I hear faint rustlings out among the trees.


Oh it's only Michael, back from his violin tour...So you saying Jacob is a nuisance (soz, spelt it wrong last time)...Oooo, controversial!!! I think he is very helpful and lovely. P.S. has he got any wood going spare?


I made it back to the car. I'm now heading East on Mulholland. It's dark and I can't see the road very well... There is a pair of headlights a ways behind me, the're getting closer. Now listen, all of you. I'm not just doing this for myself, I'm doing it for all of us. The headlights are coming closer. Allright, here goes----- J E F F R E Y ! ! ! ! ! WHY ISN'T JACOB A POOH- BAH??????


Skreechee-- I didn't say Jacob is a nuisance, YOU said that. I don't think he is a nuisance, he has provided us with a lot of VERY valuable information. I'm going to try and take away at least one of your stars. I've got friends on this board you know. I'm still on Mulholland, now going 70 miles per hour. Those headlights are still getting closer. Now I hear a siren...


I think that when the system was updated some years ago the old members were "frozen" with the titles they had.

After all, computers and softwares are not all that serious, do you remember the "millenium bug"?

I think I'm entitled to use the "carpal tunnel" insignia in my MN uniform!

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