When you sell on ebay, and when you add a counter to your ad, ebay registers the number of "views" on your violin, or on a sellers violin when they have a counter. I have a violin with 280 views, I always assumed this means the number of times people have clicked on my ad, not the total number of viewers, regardless of how many times they clicked on the ad
well i was concerned enough to call ebay customer support, which actually provides phone support unlike so many other internet operations. the customer rep obviously didnt know the answer as it took another 10 minutes on hold, and low and behold, i was wrong;
views refers to the total number of viewers, not the higher number of how many times your ad has been clicked on, assuming some of your viewers clicked on the ad more than once, so im happy; 180 people have seen my violin, now if one of them would just buy the damn thing!!!
well i just checked, pahdah, or should i say the dos equis guy, has 2807 people that have looked at his Roth ad, i guess im not so hot after all!!!