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Found 25 results

  1. I got this violin by accident online and in real life i am impressed. its in my opinion finely made and a lot of expenssive repairs are made by the previous owner. it has No stamp or label. anybody got a idea about the Origin or a maker. sorry for my english Kind regards Frank
  2. Hello everyone I'm hoping someone could give me any information on this violin was purchased at a wealthy estate sale no information was given no markings or labeling other then a sticker I'm assuming was from someone who serviced or retailer but I'm not sure any info and value would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance Adam
  3. This is a new violin I found in Korea. The label says, "Alievo di morassi Y. C. Lee." Looks good to me… But Is it worth paying $4,000 for?
  4. I am receiving a couple of bows in a trial today and one of them is said to have a crack in the middle of the stick that has been repaired. My question is, with a good quality repair of this kind, would the crack automatically deem the bow as "trash" or how would it affect the value of the bow itself? I have no doubt that this bow would sell for a decent amount of if it weren't for the repaired break. If it is a quality repair, would this bow likely be able to be played successfully for an indefinite period of time or am I likely to have to deal with it breaking again in the near future (if I were to purchase it)? How would it affect the playing of the bow? Not being a luthier myself, I have no idea how a crack in the wood would even likely be repaired. Wood glue? Some sort of pin? More than happy to upload a picture once I have the bow in hand later today! Meanwhile, would appreciate input on any of the above.
  5. I have a Roman Teller violin. The year appears to be 1966 and the model is 40/4. I am trying to get some information on the instrument and a value. Thank you.
  6. This is my moms old violin that she inherited from her grandpa a long time ago. I am wondering if it is authentic and if it is, what is its value? (Not looking to sell just curious of my family history)
  7. Hi everyone, this is my first post here so go easy...if you need more info or a better picture just ask ^.^ I recently purchased a stainer copy from a reputable dealer, and was told my violin was from around 1913 due to the fact that it says "germany" instead of "made In germany". I paid decent money for it and it sounds great, but I'm worried about selling it for a decent price when I'm ready to upgrade. Any input is very much appreciated, pictures attached.
  8. Hi all, I am currently looking to purchase a new cello. I'd like to gather some opinions on the instrument (can someone let me know how to upload photos?) and its authenticity. I am a player myself and know relatively little about makers and origins. It has rather large F-holes and a beautiful one-piece back (maple). The label reads: "Joannes Valletianus fecit Matrito anno 1799". Has anyone heard of this maker or seen and of his work? The varnish is mainly orange with hints of deeper red. The varnish on back is slightly harder and shinier. The back length is 752 mm. It has a fantastic sound (very rich and deep bass. Recently performed it alongside a G.B. Gabrielli instrument - the sound qualities were similar). I will post photos as soon as I understand how. Thanks a lot!
  9. Greetings All. Great Site here! Seems as though so many members are.very knowledgeable. Amazing and Creative Folks seem to offer good information. I've come into a very beautiful Violin in original Case. Vuillaume des Petite Champe 46 it says on inside. Any ideas or additional thoughts on value and condition would be greatly appreciated. It comes with original Case an extra String (old original package) and a Drezden string piece (wood) and beautiful A.Breton Bow
  10. I’d appreciate any insight you can lend about this instrument. I’m a lawyer but have a performance degree from Cleveland State and play with the Johnstown Symphony, which is a small orchestra with a $500k budget. I’m sure I’ll continue to play throughout my career, and am now on the board of trustees and players committee. I share that background because it relates to my perspective. My high school teacher (cello professor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania) is selling this instrument for $17,000. I was her last student and we have a “Tuesdays with Morrie” type of mentor relationship. She bought it in 1979 from a dealer in Cleveland, but has no papers. She thinks it was played in The Cleveland Orchestra. I’ve contacted Donald Rosenberg (former music critic of The Cleveland Orchestra) and the current TCO archivist, neither of whom recognized it. There has been a photo posted of it in their hall for some time, with no luck. The only label inside is from a 1979 restoration by Kolstein & Sons in NY. It was restored by Fred Oster’s shop in Philadelphia last summer, which believes it to be at least as old as the 18th century. My former teacher from The Cleveland Orchestra was complimentary of its sound and said it is every bit as good as his backup (to his regular Forster instrument) that he plays on tour. I contacted a well known appraiser in Philadelphia who isn’t interested in appraising it and did not like the instrument, and had no idea where it was made and suggested that any value is speculative. He also does not believe it was ever played in The Cleveland Orchestra, at least under Szell. Terry Carlin in Cleveland said that it has had a lot of work (more than average for its age, which is unknown) but that the work was done well. It is 28.5”/73cm long. 13”/32cm wide (point to point) across the upper bout. 16”/41cm wide at the lower boot. I’d be grateful for any additional guidance you could lend, suggestions of an appraiser in the Pittsburgh/Cleveland/Philadelphia area. I’m willing to travel to learn more. Just at a loss as to what to do where the origin and value are so unknown. I feel like $17,000 may be a good price if all we know is that it is old. But it’s also tough to spend so much on such an unknown. Thanks very much. Brad Holuta IMG_0108.MOV
  11. I am trying to get an idea of the value of this fiddle for a friend of mine who is selling it. The label for info on the fiddle is ‘Antonio Stradivarius 1690‘. I tried to capture it in one of the photos. Any insights would be useful.
  12. This is the second fiddle my friend wants to sell. I am looking for an approximate value. There is no label on it. Again , any help would be appreciated.
  13. Hey guys, i was wondering, if any of you had an idea, where my violin could've been built and what it might be worth. For context, I am southern german and still live there. I got it the violin from my grandma, who got it from her aunt, where it was used as wall decoration. It is said that my grandma's uncle might have bought it from someone on the street. So no one knows where this violin was made... I'm not asking for this because I want to sell the violin, I'm just really interested, because I love the sound of it and I think the wood on the back looks amazing. I hope you pros have some ideas, which rough area it might come from. Thank you all so much in advance!
  14. Hi, I am interested in buying these 2 violins. Please have a look at the photos. The first 7 are from 1 violin the other 4 or from the second violin. What can you information do you have about these? Are they of any particular value? Where and when they are from? What's the difference in value between a Mittenwald and a Markneukirchen violin? Thanks Rachel
  15. Hi all, Would anyone be able to give me some information on the identity or value of this violin? It is over 100 years old and has had a repair to the body. Looking for a date or country of origin, all I can see is some old German text. Please let me know if you need anything else. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  16. Can anyone tell me about this violin that I have? The label inside says "Karl Knilling No. 1304 Made in Germany". The bow was broken when I received it. The violin is a 4/4 and has a pretty two-piece back with light tiger striping/flames. It looks to be in good condition with no cracks or such. A few weeks ago, it seemed like there were links that talked about it, but now that I am looking again, I find nothing on this particular model.
  17. Hi, I just got this violin from my uncle who quit playing due to carpal tunnel syndrome. I don't know it's value and there are no labels on the inside. It seems like a very nicely constructed instrument, although I do see something in the wood which I've included a picture of (I think it's called a knot???). The sound is quite brilliant and the varnish seems flaky, where it chips off in pieces rather than scratching off (sort of hard to explain so bear with me please). There are scratches on the violin which are not really noticeable. Picture quality isn't too great either and they are out of order so I apologize. I have little to no knowledge of violin repair or appraisal so any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  18. I bought this cello in 2015 and sold it to a student...now they are asking if I'd like to buy it back for $2200. I'm tempted to buy it back. Though I'm wondering what the value of this most-likely-copy is... I found more detailed pictures of this same cello online... http://s78.photobucket.com/user/violiniada/library/2014/December%202014/CELLO%20GERMAN%20OR%20BOHEMIAN%20CARLO%20TONONI?sort=9&page=1
  19. No longer relevant. This thread keeps getting mentioned out of context in other threads. Out of respect, I was going to take it down, but MN must not allow deleting old threads that one starts. So I am going to delete my comments. Thanks, everyone for your help and insight!
  20. Hello, I have found old violin which belonged to my grandfather. I do not understand instruments and therefore I would like to ask you for help. I have found on the web that there are many copies of these Joseph Guarnerius violins. Could anybody give me any estimate how much this is worth? It is not in a great condition but still playable. Is this non-labelled but old and in good condition bow worth any value? See pics below. Thank you very much in advance. https://www.dropbox.com/s/su7uox34ff5zqdd/20150820_171126.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6lfz11ucpje1y2q/20150820_171137.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/92zirfpd3l4vkpt/20150820_171317.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/wfzu9yetijwjeu5/20150820_171321.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/8eh3kv9puzoyk54/20150820_171324.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ga7c8qjkmpirs3/20150820_171341.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/wlve0frh2amp54s/20150820_171422.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/mmts103wngsg4y4/20150820_171426.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/90r3nyt24s6y4m2/20150820_171517.jpg?dl=0
  21. Hello, im completely new to this site, and I dont know if im doing this right. Anyways.. Let me introduce myself, i'm Niam, a violin dealer in UK and I have acquired a lovely looking violin. I would like to hear your opinions about anything about the violin (value? origin, age, etc). I'd love to hear different insights. The violin is in perfect condition and has fluted f-holes, a nice blonde varnish and well done purfling. Im hoping the pictures will upload and that i did it right O.o Thanks!
  22. Hi! I'm planning on buying a violin, and I came across one with amazing sound. It's being sold for 73,000 RMB (Chinese yuan), and I wanted to ask if it's actually worth that much? On the inside, it says that G. S. Tartini and that it is modeled after a 1725 Stradivarius. Through some of my own research, I have found that Tartini violins like these are from a firm called the Schuster Brothers, but I have been unable to find much information specifically directed towards their Tartini violins. If anyone has any extra info, I'd very much appreciate it!
  23. I can't find my original post about my Hornsteiner 1799, Mittenwald. In any event, how does one get certification when it seems this is a task few do. The latest I heard was that there is so much liability in these certifications, since the maker is not living. Yet the contour, grain, finish, etc of the instrument plus tone should give clues. I wish I could post pics of my Hornsteiner, but I don't know how, so instead I'm including a link to footage that showcases the violin
  24. Hello, I recently acquired a violin with a somewhat unusual case. The case is solid wood, with metal (?) latches. The ball feet are made of wood, too. The inside is quite nice, given the age. It is lined with a green fabric (velvet?). Before creating an account, I would sometimes lurk in here. I wanted, especially, the input of GlennYorkPA. I've read some of his posts regarding violin cases. (I haven't read his book, yet. Sorry! ) I would be glad to hear information from anyone! I have taken many pictures. So, I created a photo album under my SkyDrive. Here is the link: http://sdrv.ms/119w8E4 Furthermore, I have pictures of the violin and the bow. I'd be happy to hear any information (history, maker, repair estimates, etc.) about those, as well. Thank you for your help! - Totti
  25. I thought some might find this interesting - This is written by Robert Cauer APPRAISALS AND CERTIFICATES: DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE? Even some inexperienced dealers don't know it. In the violin world, the terms "Appraisal" and "Certificate" are used often interchangeably but there is a big difference. A Certificate is a document used to declare the Authenticity of an instrument. A Certificate often (but not always) has accompanying pictures and is as credible as the person who wrote it. There is no price stated on a certificate and it will accompany the violin whenever it changes ownership. Certificates are considerably more expensive than an appraisal. They usually cost 5% plus of the instrument's value if they are written by a known and respected connoisseur. An Appraisal is a document used mainly for insurance purposes to state the replacement value of the instrument. As opposed to a certificate it has to be renewed every few years to state the current value. A dealer without much knowledge about the originality of instruments can still make an insurance appraisal for an expensive violin, even a Stradivari, if he has access to the original certificates by known and trusted connoisseurs. This appraisal is usually a bit under $200.00 for very expensive instruments. Unless the dealer writes an actual certificate, his appraisal it is not an individual confirmation of the authenticity of the violin. It is merely an opinion about the value of the instrument while relying on the existent certificates. The owner with a fine instrument, which is well certified does not need yet another certificate to get an evaluation for his insurance. Sometimes the statement in an appraisal contains the sentence: "Made in our opinion by..." if the instrument has already strong certificates, which state that it is genuine. This is sometimes done to elevate the status of the dealer who writes the appraisal. This sentence rarely appears on appraisals if there are no strong certificates for instruments with "expensive" labels. Of course there are some experienced dealers, who know and recognize the maker of the instrument. However they would never make the mistake of calling an appraisal "certificate" as we have seen several times lately. Insurance appraisals usually state the value higher to include the sales tax. Therefore they should not be taken for coin value by a buyer who buys an instrument from a private party. In some instances appraisals are made to state the wholesale value at which a dealer might buy it, or for a price the instrument may fetch in an auction.
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