I am Nestor, from Greece I study physics in the university of Athens and I am really close to receiving my degree. Violin making (and musical instrument making in general) has been a passion of mine and I would like to become a professional luthier in the future. I was condisering to go and study at Scuola internazionale di Liuteria “Antonio Stradivari” in Cremona after I finish my studies in Greece
One of my concerns is that I don't speak Italian. So I have a few questions if anyone is kind enough to answer them.
Are the lessons strictly in italian or are there any in english for foreign students?
Also I was informed by a luthier who studied there that there is no tuition cost and that I only have to pay for a place to live. That the actual school is free. Is this true and does this apply only for Italians or for foreign students as well?
Thanks in advance