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  1. Hello everyone. This violin in my family for 4 generations now. As far as I know, it's a German make. Seems like early 1700's. Maybe 1732. Still working perfectly. I like to know its authenticity. All your opinions are welcome. Thanks all. 20250113_220428.heic
  2. Hi, I'd appreciate to have this violin identified. Especially aproximate date, region and origin, and any other information. Thanks!
  3. Hi, I have a violin whose age and other relevant information I'd like to identify. If possible, I'd like to know whether it is likely to have been manufactured with heavy machinery or manual labor. I suppose the bass bar to be glued in. For that, I bent a paper clip, inserted it into the F-hole and tried to feel the joint of the bass bar to the belly plate. I'm rather positive that it is a 90º perpendicular corner, as opposed to a curved ascent, which - I suppose - would indicate a carved bass bar. If this doesn't sound reliable a method at all, please ignore this paragraph altogether. I am a beginner violin student (2 years in the learning), I bought this violin from a friend of my teacher's, and it is the one I use daily for practice as a hobby. It serves me well and I've had other violin teachers play it and say it sounds rather impressive. IDing is merely for curiosity sake Pics attached. Thank you!
  4. Hi, I am trying to identify a violin bow that I am interested in buying. It is an older German bow with what looks like the name Meinel stamped on it. The name before Meinel has faded from handling over time. It may be Wilhem. It is hard to make out. Can anyone help?
  5. Hi everyone, this is my first post here so go easy...if you need more info or a better picture just ask ^.^ I recently purchased a stainer copy from a reputable dealer, and was told my violin was from around 1913 due to the fact that it says "germany" instead of "made In germany". I paid decent money for it and it sounds great, but I'm worried about selling it for a decent price when I'm ready to upgrade. Any input is very much appreciated, pictures attached.
  6. Hi all, I‘m wondering if you have any ideas about the origin of this viola. Most violinmakers have different opinions about it. I‘m interested if anyone knows something similar? The length of the back is 41,7cm. Very high arching. Clear, transparent, honey colored, amber varnish. Covered hole in the back of the peg box. Please tell me if you need more information. Some dealers really fall in love with it and some are definitely not impressed… Musicians and the audience love it! Thanks for your help!
  7. Hello everyone, I am about to embark on restoring this violin to playable spec and keen to understand where/when it was made. Originally when i purchased it five years ago from a seller who advised that it had been appraised and is "most likely" a circa late 1920's German Trade violin. Frustratingly the label doesn't tell my inexperienced eyes very much. If anyone has the skill to assess what it might be /when/where it was made I would be rapt. Otherwise any suggestions on who in Melbourne Australia is best placed to take a look at it (for a fee naturally). Thanks
  8. After trying countless bows, I have finally settled on this "modern" german copy of hr pfretzschner. Price range was up to about 4.5K and this exceeded my expectations and was a lot cheaper than I expected. The bowmaker was not sure who it was made by though. I'm open to any guesses. I liked it better than the Nurnberger I had tried as well. It doesn't look like your typical German trade bow to me.
  9. Back again with the random bows. Clearly the screw does not belong. Was trying this with a recently made bow by a nearby luthier and def preferred the sound to the newer one. Guessing your typical german trade bow. No markings. Seems like an XV on the inside on the frog.
  10. Says Albert Schuster but Coat of Arms? Isn't that H.R.Pfretzschner?
  11. Anyone have any idea about this? No Idea who Schuller is. 8DBB8B4E-27AD-49DB-A607-9FB25638DD15.heic 2B53ACC3-9F7D-48C2-B7DA-F33F1BD8CE14.heic A373B6AC-4587-4AE8-B70E-F63FFAAA8BAC.heic D501FC9C-DFC8-4AD0-960E-4BEEFBC8844E.heic 738783D5-9F82-437A-AF97-9ED267330526.heic EDB51D93-68C4-4353-8800-6C04245C9480.heic C71B711E-AC3F-46E2-98AC-6838DFDBF8D3.heic D3CF978A-E80F-41EE-86FA-573F890F5F37.heic
  12. Hi everybody, I have another violin here. Does anyone have any information on this one? I don't know anything about it What decade? Where is it from? What kind wood, varnish? What do you think about the scroll? Does the kind of scroll identify the violin in some way? You can see on the photos, some wood worm, or just little holes? What can I do to fix that? I don't find that it effects the sound in any way. It's still very clean, and sweet, no hissing or anything. Thanks, as always, you are much appreciated, Rachel
  13. Hi, I am interested in buying these 2 violins. Please have a look at the photos. The first 7 are from 1 violin the other 4 or from the second violin. What can you information do you have about these? Are they of any particular value? Where and when they are from? What's the difference in value between a Mittenwald and a Markneukirchen violin? Thanks Rachel
  14. Hi all, Would anyone be able to give me some information on the identity or value of this violin? It is over 100 years old and has had a repair to the body. Looking for a date or country of origin, all I can see is some old German text. Please let me know if you need anything else. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  15. ÖHi I am a fairly new to violin and I chanced upon violins by Karl Hofner. I tried finding information about it but it seems like there isn't much info on it. Hoping to tap on this to learn more about their violins, quality etc. I am actually looking to purchase a "vintage" karl hofner made in 1997. Not sure if anyone could advise if this is suitable for beginner (or more advanced player), and if the sound/quality is good. Thanks a lot in advance!
  16. Better pics this time, I hope! I’m very interested in what it takes to identify violins by pics. I hope I can learn some helpful advice and possibly get some ideas on the origin of my fiddle at the same time. The violin has some warping of the top from the neck pulling through the years. It causes the top to look square when I believe if it were new it would have been rounder next to the neck. Plus it’s made the top puff up around the neck joint. Just saying the disfigured top may be deceiving. An old Lete repair label with the “Repaired by” cut off. No label. Any other photo I need to post please let me know. All guesses and advice is extremely welcome! Thanks, ole timer
  17. Hello all! I was hoping to seek some advice from this community on an upcoming restoration attempt I will be beginning. As a long time violin player, I recently rescued a ca. 1920s-1930s German "factory violin" from the trash. I have always toyed with the idea of attempting to build a violin or guitar and this seems like an opportunity to get some "free" education and experience. I am aware that a violin such as this is essentially worthless and many professionals would say that it is not worth the time/money put into it, but I have the time and access to the tools to make me confident enough to attempt something like this and the learning experience alone would be worth it to me. My concerns regarding this instruments issues are the order of operations in which things might be approached. I've attached some images that display the many problems with this instrument, such as: -Split back plate -Warped ribs on the lower bouts and upper right bout area -Neck gap/detachment Would anyone have any advice on what to tackle first? I was thinking about removing the back plates first, planing and joining and trying to reattach the ribs correctly. After this I would remove the the front and reset that. Once the body is structurally back together, I would tackle the neck reset. Does this sound like a good approach? Am I in way to over my head? Any advice/comments/suggestions are appreciated! Thank you! Will Whaley - Rochester, NY
  18. I have an old German factory cello I am getting into playable shape and I am wondering what the general consensus is with machine head pegs? I think they are clunky and unattractive and would like to replace with regular pegs. Thoughts?
  19. Happened across this violin. Can anyone tell me if it is any decent or not? Thanks!
  20. Not a remarkable bow, by any means, but the playability is quite a bit better than most German cottage bows I have owned. Pernambuco is well-figured, in my opinion. Regardless, it is just a standard nickel-mounted German bow circa 1960. Have I overlooked something?
  21. Help on identifying this violin bow? Reminds me of Knopf school bows. Tip plate is made out of silver I think and is pinned. Underslide is pinned twice. Length is around 71.5cm without adjuster, 73cm with adjuster. https://www.flickr.com/photos/152316993@N07/albums/72157710193863751
  22. Hello everyone, This is a photoset of my violin, an antique from 1880s Germany (or possibly the German-speaking part of what is now the Czech Republic). As you can see, it is rather large all around, with beautiful flamed-maple back and ribs and a gorgeous red varnish. It's extremely heavy, and I've gotten so used to it that some of my professional friends' violins feel like toys in my hand. Even my viola is significantly lighter. It's not incredibly obvious from photos, but the scroll leans back quite a bit further than a normal violin. The pegs are custom viola pegs because violin pegs ware far too small to fit in the peg box. It has a very warm and extremely dark tone, and loves warm strings like the Warchal Brilliant Vintage and Amber sets. It has great projection for being such a dark-sounding instrument, too. I was recently made aware of a maker named Maggini. The person who told me about these instruments said that mine fits several of the characteristics of a Maggini, whether it be a true Maggini, or a copy. The things it is missing, which may or may not make or break it, are the double purfling and the triple scroll. It is fully carved, and the purfling was inlaid by hand. Would anyone be able to verify if this is indeed a Maggini model/copy, and what it could potentially be worth? It is an heirloom that we got restored (all new hardware, including fingerboard and custom pegs/tailpiece) and there are no labels, stamps, or writing in it, so we know next to nothing about it besides 1880s Germany. To me, it's priceless because of the sentimental value, but I'm also interested in the potential monetary value as well. The luthier I took it to said it's a run-of-the-mill Strad copy, but it doesn't quite seem to fit the shape. I did the best I could with the tape measure, but I kept the higher end where it was when I measured with two hands. Thanks kindly, Kristen Stadelmaier
  23. I’m liking the look of this! https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F201606427729
  24. Hello, I’ve had this for a little bit of time, but thought I would share. It was traded for 2 pups out of a litter. Since puppies are priceless, I believe that makes this violin priceless Oh well, looks a bit Saxon to me. Thought I would share! Tried to get a shot of a corner block, but didn’t quite work out.
  25. My Mom gave us her cello about 5 years ago that she has had most of her life and she is now almost 70. It has part of a marking on the inside that says "made in Germany", but that is the only identification I can find. We are going to have to sell it and I don't have any idea what maker it is from or what general price I should try to sell it at. She played it in many orchestras and other cellists thought it had a wonderful sound. Any help you could provide would be wonderful! Thank you. -Jonathan
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