I have tried to look up some specifici information about corner blocks, but it was eluding me...
I know what corner blocks are - little pieces of wood...mostly spruce or soft wood...
I know where corner blocks are - 4 of them...2 at each C bout
I know what corner blocks are for - to provide greater area to glue the plates to and to provide added stability
I know that violins with corner blocks are preferred to violins without corner blocks and that many less expensive violins were (and still are) made without them. I also know that old violins have done perfectly fine...for 100s of years...without having corner blocks and that it doesn't necessarily reflect in the selling price of the instrument.
But I don't quite see how you 'install' them (glue them on the form and then file them to shape? And I can't figure out how the rib linings seem to ooze into them. How/why do you do that?
Thanks for your patience!