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Found 16 results

  1. Greetings to all. This is a significantly edited and updated listing of the lutherie books I currently have for sale. I will consider reasonable offers. I can be reached here or via email if that is allowed here (I am not a luthier; I am selling the books from my late husband's estate). Thanks and best wishes to all -- Margie Nerad email at margiecats13@gmail.com Azzolina, Umberto: Liuteria Italiana dell’ottocento e del novecento, $100 hardcover G. Baese: Classic Italian Violin Varnish $500 mint in slip cover, #137 Buchner, Alexander: Musical Instruments through the Ages, $25 hardcover Cité de la Musique: Violins, Vuillaume $90 paperback, exc Cooper: Benjamin Banks, the Salisbury Violin Maker $75 Dipper and Woodrow: trans: Conte Ignacio Salabue: Observations on the Construction of Stringed Instruments $200 each mint (two copies) Doring: Guadagnini Family hardcover $50 Doring: How Many Strads? $175 Fulton: Turpentine violin varnish $50 incl manual Fry: Italian Violin varnishes $15 each hardcover mint Gosling: The violinist’s Manual $25 F. Hamma: German Violin Makers $125 each, hardcover, two copies Hammerl: Violin varnishes $60 Harrison, Benjamin: On violin making B. Harvey: The Violin Family and its Makers in the British Isles hardcover exc $300 Harvey: Amadeus Book of the Violin $125 each, hc exc, two copies F.V. Henderson: How to Make A Violin Bow $200 hardcover W.Henley: Universal Dictionary of Violin and Bow Makers $500 exc Henley: Antonio Stradivari $30 Heron-Allen: Violin making as it was and is $15 Hill: Stradivari hardcover $325, exc condition hardcover Hill: Guarneri family, Hardcover $300 hill & sons, England Hotel de Ville de Paris: Les Violins: Venetian Instruments, Salle St.-Jean $90 paperback C. Hutchins: Research papers in V acoustics, vols. 1 and 2: $425 for both exc Jalovec: Beautiful Italian Violins $100 hardcover Jalovec: German and Austrian Violin Makers $80 hardcover Jalovec : Italian Violin Makers $80 each (two copies) Jalovec: Encyclopedia of Violin-Makers (in two volumes) $375 Jalovec: Violin Makers of Bohemia $175 Johnson and Courtnall: Art of Violin Making $150 Lyon & Healy: Hawley Collection of Violins - hardcover $25 Millant: JB Vuillaume His life and work $300 (French, English and German) like new W.M. Morris: British Violin Makers $30 Niederheitmann, F: Cremona: An account of the Italian Violin Makers $20 hardcover, exc Pickering: The Bowed String $20 paperback Reid: You can make a “Stradivarius” Violin, $40 vy good Retford : Bows and Bow Makers. $90 exc Robinson: The Guarneri Mold $75 paperback Roda: Bows for Musical Instruments $300 #1095 Sacconi: From Violin making to music $150 Sacconi: The Secrets of Stradivari $400 exc Sacconi: I Secreti di Stradivari (Same book in Italian) : $400 exc, slip case Stowell et al., The Violin Book $40 each (2 copies) (numbered, exc condition, slip cover) Thöne and Greiner: JB Vuillaume (12” x 16.5”) with full color photos and tissue interleaves $550 Vigdorchik: The Acoustical Systems of Violins of Stradivarius and other Cremona Makers $250 Weisshaar and Shipman: Violin Restoration $320 hardcover, near mint condition Wenberg: The Violin Makers of the United States $300 hardcover, near mint signed copy #375 Woodrow: The Shape of Stradivari Violins $300 mint E. Van der Straeten: History of the Violin (hc, good; in two volumes) $40 for both
  2. Finishing my Bachelor's this year but hoping to be accepted to a violin making school after. I've played violin for more than 10 years, have limited woodworking experience, and a long fascination with violin making video playlists. I did some looking a while back and found 4 commonly suggested manuals for building and repair. I'd like to study and practice techniques at a local workshop after school to be prepared for the work ahead. Which of the following do you guys recommend as most essential for a healthy introduction to the craft: The Manual of Violin Making - Brian Derber Violin Restoration: A Manual for Violin Makers - Hans Weisshar and Margaret Shipman The Strobel Series for Violin Makers - Henry Strobel The Art of ViolinMaking - Chris Johnson and Roy Courtnall or if there are any other manuals you think are better for a beginner, please do let me know in response. I want to get the best reference for my investment and act on my inspiration.
  3. Hello all. Well, my first post here since joining a while back. I have been looking - to no avail - for books concerning the building of Viol De Gambas. The main treatise I can come up with is: Building a Treble Viola Da Gamba: A Detailed Step-by-Step Guide by Wolfgang Bottenberg Save that I can not find it anywhere -it is seemingly out of print and has been for some time. I have seen it in a luthier Library but I am in Sydney and the Library is in America. Does Anyone have any good sources of information for building the various Gemba's? (I have watched many, many you tube videos, but they only take one so far....). I have found this publication - "Viola Da Gamba by Nathalie Dolmetsch" is anyone here familiar with it and it's contents? I actually do have some Gamba plans on the way , and additionally, I have books on Double Bass construction. But books specifically Gamba? no Luck. If anyone can help or suggest some good sources, I would be eternally grateful. If anyone has this Bottenberq book and would like to part with/sell it, then again, I would be eternally grateful. Thank You for taking the time to read. I figured that this would be the best place to ask, it's such a great site and I have learned so much here. Sincerely William
  4. I am looking to sell my private collection of books, rare violin catalogs, music sheets and framed prints to a dedicated collector and violin connoisseur. Attached is a list of the books and pictures of the prints I have. Most books and music sheets are vintage dating back to early 1900s. I have autographed and limited edition books including on construction of bows and violin making. I have books in german and italian. I have a ton of music sheets for violin.
  5. Collection of Violin Books for sale. Selling as a lot. I am closing up shop and need to sell. Here is the list: Meister Italienischer Geigenbaukeust Walter Hamma The Classic Lines of Italian Violinmaking Carlo Vettori Violin Restoration first printing #392 Weissar & Shipman Arte Liutaria - Analysis of Antique Instruments and Restoraation Techniques #286 signed Carlo Vettori The Book of the Violin 1987 Dominic Gill Il Liutaio 1978 La Casa Nuziale Arnoldo Baruzzi Violin Varnishes Hammerl The International School of Cremona Two Score Years of Violin-Making Gualtiero Nicolina The Violin Paolo Peterlongo The Hill Collection of Musical Instruments 1969 David D Boyden Violin Varnish and Coloration Martins Roberts Zemitis Il Manoscritto Littario Di G A Marchi first edition 1986 R Regazzi Known Violin Makers 4th ed 1983 John Fairfield You Can Make a Stradivarius Violin 1967 Reid Italian Violin Varnishes George Fry Bows and Bow Makers William C Retford The Bow, History, Manufacture and Use Henry Saint-George Arte Liutaria - April 88 No 10 Arte Liutaria - August 88 No 11 Old Violins and Violin Lore H R Haweis The Violin and Viola Shelia Nelson Violin Making as it was and is (1978) Ed Hero- Allen Fiddles: Their Selection, Preservation and Betterment 1910 Henry Saint-George Violin and Cello Building and Repairing 1969 Robert Alton Cremona Violins and Varnish Charles Reade A Review of Ancient and Modern Violin Making W W Oaks The Violin Maker’s Guide 1974 H E Brown The Technique of Violin Making H S Wake Useful Measurements for Violin Makers H S Wake Violin Bow Rehair and Repair H S Wake A Luthier’s Scrapbook H S Wake Violin Maker’s Notebook H S Wake Violin Identification and Price Guide Book 1 Roy Ehrdardt Violin Identification and Price Guide Book 2 Roy Ehrdardt Violin Identification and Price Guide Book 3 Roy Ehrdardt Final Summary Report of Violin Varnish Research Project Louis M Condax The Materials of the Artist Max Doerner The Artist Handbook Ralph Mayer Attached is photo.
  6. 31 VSA journals from vol 9 to vol 20. 1986 to 2006. Plus indexes vol 1 - 10. Plus VSA papers vol. 1 number 1. ($250 plus shipping) Now $125 plus shipping
  7. 50 volumes of the VSA journal for sale From volume Vll #1 to volume XIX #1. Plus VSA papers and miscellaneous other volumes. Fifty issues in all. Best offer. Will ship in groups via USPS. Tgoldenberg@maine.rr.com
  8. Hi, I'm looking for lesson book recommendations for people picking up violin as a second (or third) instrument meaning something that focuses on the violin specifically and less on things like general music theory as I've had plenty of that in high school and college. My situation is that I've been a concert and jazz trombonist for many years and also play guitar and piano, but I've never touched a violin. So is there anything you guys or girls can think of that would suit my needs? Thanks for your suggestions
  9. Visited the platetuning.org site, looked through it more closely. It mentioned the book 'You Can Make a "Stradivarius" Violin' by Joseph Reid as a book which would cause a luthier to "toss his toys out of his crib". I can't see why. This book is obviously not intended to be like Sacconi, or like Patrick Kreit's book, or Vigordchik's. It was published by Popular Mechanics Press. Thus, clearly, it's aimed at the amateur woodworker, and its goal is simply to describe how to make a violin of the Stradivarius pattern, without any pretensions that the result would be better than a student violin. (Of course, it may have gotten how to do even that wrong.) Speaking of books, while there was a book published about William Fry, as far as I know, he never wrote a book describing his theories and methods. But I've seen statements to the effect that he did put them down in writing.
  10. Happy 100th Birthday Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:30 pm Post subject: Happy Birthday, Harold Hayslett Celebrated his 100th birthday yesterday, Dec 26. He's a resident of Charleston, WVA. After retiring as a plumber/steamfitter in 1980 he began making violins, and became a well respected cello maker. In the 1990s he was awarded a Gold Medal for Cello tone from the ViolinSociety of America. This fall, he donated nearly his entire shop inventory of partially completed instruments, parts, plates, wood, tools, to the Southern Violin Association. A large part of the collection can be seen at https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AN1D02eul9dOJbY&v=photos&id=72ABB1F447C6888D%2112911&cid=72ABB1F447C6888D Some of the nicenst items will be offered for auction at the SVA annual meeting and conference April 19-21 in Little Switzerland, NC. The remainder will be auctioned on Ebay afterward. If you want to be added to our mailing list (Southern Violin Association), or if you'd like to see a particular item or group put on ebay, please email me at davidwchandler@outlook.com
  11. my wife and i are getting pretty good at using "store bought" oil varnish on our violins. We are now thinking of making our own varnish. Any recommendations on good books with info and recipes for making oil varnish? Any scoop is appreciated. Thanks Mike Conroy Conroy Violin.. www.facebook.com/mtviolin
  12. I just wanted to share with everyone that there is a pre-publication subscription offer for ordering The American Violin Book before Friday, March 4th. If you order by then and use the discount code "DISC16" you get $50 off and your name will be printed in the book as a subscriber. Please follow this link for the website to look into the book and order: www.theamericanviolin.org -Thomas
  13. I am always running into some old italian texts related to violin. I wish I had the time to translate them, but I thought I'd post them in this thread as I find them. Hopefully others may too. Elementi teorico-pratici di Musica con un saggio sopra l'Arte di suonare il violino - 1791 Ttechnical aspects begins on page 63. Have Fun.
  14. Hello! Having just joined this vibrant and knowledgeable community of string enthusiasts, I'd like to ask for your opinion on recommended books for an amateur/beginning luthier. The person in question is a professional concert violinist who has been playing regularly on rare violins for over 10 years. Needless to say, he has a fine understanding of the instrument and a good knowledge of the various repair techniques, though he has not done any himself. He has recently expressed a desire to study this art much more intensively. Would anyone be able to recommend an in-depth, thorough book on craftmanship techniques, ideally containing high-quality illustrations, but is not too overwhelming for a beginner? I've looked at the Weisshaar & Shipman book but it seems a real investment meant for a luthier already in the trade as mentioned by previous posts here on the book. There is also Chris Johnson's The Art of Violin Making, which has gathered good reviews on sites like Amazon and is supposedly geared towards beginners. I would appreciate any comments on either of these books and any other suggestions that come to mind. Thank you all very much!
  15. Hi All, I'm new here and excited to talk to fiddle folks! ( instead of the wall!) I am an artist and live in the Mountains, ( Alppalachia USA. ) I am a self taught picker & have a handfu of violas, Gambas, tenor vielle, and cello. I can play them all at medium 'Jam'..or easy classical level. I read and play by ear. Every so often I have to take one of my 'babies' to a repair luthier. Sadly I have had results which range from doubtful to scary. I DONT WANT TO DO that anymore! I am a skilled silversmith, fune needle worker, desighner, and award winning copper plate etching artist, as well as wood cuts and have tooled soom saddles. I can andle MOST exacting crafts. I am READY to take on basic set up and light repairs for fiddles. I am searching for sources...both INFO, and GOOD quality materials, and tools. I am on Soc Sec. So...am NOT wealthy...but KNOW the value of good tools! PLEASE... send me any advice or leads you can. I have 4 instruments that need attention...and ...am playing the only one that is ' working'. THANK YOU for your help and encouragement! Miss Billie, ( Blue Ridge Girl )
  16. We will be presenting at the Heron-Allen Society Symposium in London on June 29th, 2013. We would like to solicit comments and recommendations from members concerning books, papers, photos and ephemera about Edward Heron-Allen. This society has been in existence since 2000 and have published numerous articles and presented 13 Symposiums on this interesting English polymath, luthier and musical writer on the violin family of musical instruments. His most famous music publications are: Violin Making as it is and was His 9 Violin Opusculums Di Fidiculis Bibliographia- Two volumes Violin novels and short stories, such as Fatal Fiddle The Violin Times Journal His numerous articles on: Stainer,New Violins, Paganini,Bremen Violin Maker, Yarns for Fiddlers, Aluminium Violins, Violin Frauds, Famous Violinists, Original letters of Violinists, Old Soho Luthiers, and numerous violin short stories and letters to the Editor. Can you share with us your experiences and ephemera? You can visit the society's website at: http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/heronallen/eha.htm. We welcome your advice and comment. Regards, John and Barbara Mahoney mahoneysbooks@violinsandbows.com
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