Good morning all. I am an amateur player and repairman. My real job is chief engineer of a seagoing tug, and I also enjoy inventing. I discovered the Stroh violin/violinophone on a Lindsay Stirling video and am embarking on building my own. I have scoured the internet, youtube, etc. looking for blueprints or any sort of plans, but there isn't much out there. I was wondering if anyone could provide some info on some specifics maybe:
1. Details on the sound box; shape and materials that could be used. I thought of trying a cast brass junction box?
2. Diaphragm substitutes ( I saw one that utilized a mason jar lid)
3 Details on the "rocker arm" between the bridge and diaphragm (materials and geometry)
I have already rounded up a used Olds Ambassador trombone, a set of boat horns (for the monitor horn) and a VSO to sacrifice for the neck, etc. I do a lot of hand carving and would like to do something nautically themed for the diaphragm box or sound box.
Thanks for any help.