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  1. The sound on this violin has certainly developed and improved with over a month of playing. the sound seems louder, more ring to it, and just seems to hit and envelope you a lot more. There is more depth to the lower two strings, while the e string seems to sing more sweetly. so lucky and happy to have found this beauty. hopefully it will sound nicer with even more playing.
  2. ahhh thank you. thats nice to know. so quite little in value then?
  3. the little violin is 45cm, but its the shape that intrigues me. Would love to hear any feedback on this violin, just for curiosity and educational sake please. Thank you.
  4. Thank you
  5. oh sorry, what i meant was, not a good quality violin then?
  6. not a good copy?
  7. That crack under the left F hole, is that quite a major crack. i have read that wing cracks are very common and can easily be fixed. but I'm curious about the large cracks under F holes, that I sometimes see.
  8. for $250usd, do you think its worth it?
  9. Stumbled across this beautiful old violin. THe owner received this from an aunty, but does not play on it anymore. Any thoughts please. obviously a copy, but is it a nice copy? Any advice please?
  10. malcolm collins is the luthier im sending it to, a very well known violin and viola maker. he said he uses evah green. apparently they last a while for him.
  11. is there a reason why its all mixed of brands, rather than a set please?
  12. my daughter is doing grade 5, so hopefully she will breathe some life into the various violins we have. i know for her current violin, it sounds much better now than we first got it, so there is hope
  13. Thank you all so much for your education. learning lots.
  14. oh wow, thank you so much. can you please educate me by pointing out where. I want to learn so i can better my knowledge if possible.
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