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  1. Absolutely get it refurbished.
  2. The fifth photo shows what appears to be perfectly quartered Pernambuco.
  3. I think the wolf is slightly sharp of middle A about 442hz or thereabouts. Schlomo Mintz demonstrates it here at 14.55
  4. Was he being elusive about his origins?
  5. And coping with his pre-performance anxiety. In one video Bruce Carlson seems to be equally anxious and in the other Renato Scrollavezza seems to be having fun.
  6. Or adapt like Shlomo Mintz. There are two youtube videos where this is demonstrated, have you seen them? I wonder whether the wolf has changed over the years, since the belly is maybe 10% lighter than when it was made?
  7. Even with the tarrif, won't it still be a very good bargain?
  8. Surely the pupose of both the bass bar and the sound post is to allow the belly to be a very light construction thus improving tone and power?
  9. When Bohemia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  10. Well Il Cannone has a wolf on open A
  11. Isn't the problem most likely to be that the belly is made from too high density spruce?
  12. Is that a trick of the light?
  13. In one of the photos the bow appears to have concentric rings of cell walls across the width which is not a feature of Abeillewood, so yes, I too defer to fc
  14. Yes it is from the Markneurkirchen/Schönbach area circa late 19th/early 20th century. The f holes are a decent imitation of Guarneri del Gesu. The wood is nice and it's well made. Yes, get the bow rehaired. It's made of abeillewood which was cheap, but a very good wood for bowmaking. It has been refinished with shellac at some point which helps preserve the original finish. It's a nice looking instrument and many of these, if they had good graduations of the top or have been regraduted can sound very nice.
  15. Assuming that alignment of the grain shows perfect vertical medullary rays, ..and good density and workability, does the best bridge wood need to be aged for several years before it becomes ready for cutting into a bridge? Is it the seasoning that makes it special?
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