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  1. Been there, heard that. 1975 Last concert played was Bruch - absolutely fantastic, never heard better.
  2. With respect, I suggest you read the sequence of posts again and carefully. And then, if still not clear, you PM me.
  3. 1. If that means very little to you my interest in further explaining you anything is negligible. You are welcome to your opinions whichever way you formed them. 2. That's not my way and managing the sensibilities of anonymous internet warriors is not something I have time for. I will make sure I avoid your posts from now on. By the way, I suggest you check your early posts. Some contradictory statements there.......
  4. Here is a violin by "Mr. Burgess" :
  5. You already read the entire Maestronet ? Please, don't hold it against him. "Mr. David" is really not a bad guy. He likes to push the envelope sometimes, just to see if it works. He IS a TOP violin maker, however.
  6. Thank you - I appreciate your kind words and wish you the same !!! By the way, my name is Victor Mashek.
  7. David, that's not me. I don't demand evidence to whatever people rant on on a public forum. I am not paranoiac. For example I do not imagine my co-workers break into my locker or cupboards... When you ask for evidence you automatically imply the other side might be lying. That has a tendency to dampen good relations and mutual respect.
  8. yes, can you believe that ? Do you really think that every time one says something you are entitled to "evidence" ? However, to be nice : when you next visit the EU I will meet you at the airport, show you the evidence and ( maybe ??) even carry your luggage to the Taxi. I may not make it immediately but I am sure you will not mind waiting........
  9. He played the copy. And it is part of my occupation to know.
  10. I appreciate how cleverly you worded your post. I almost do not need to say that a claim can be true even if the claimant is neither able nor willing to "back it up". The problem we have here is that we do not know what "back it up" means.
  11. Some years ago a very good soloist, very well known, who played a good Strad had a couple of concerts in a former Soviet Republic and used the copy of his Strad made by an excellent European maker. With one single exception nobody could tell. The exception was a critic who wrote that next time he should bring the good violin.
  12. That is absolutely true. I know of a number of such instruments and collected recordings of them. I also know who the maker(s) is. For a couple of cases I tested if a "specialist" could tell. He could not tell is a new violin but could only tell is a bit "tired" or somehow not quite there and needs adjustment / attention etc. "Not one of the good Strads" - that was about it.
  13. Maybe I am wrong but I do not think he was trying to convince you of anything. He was expressing his opinion. That Strad and DG made violins of variable quality is a fact. But maybe their "mediocre" is not what you are used to.
  14. I am perfectly capable. But I think what you wanted to know is if I am wiling.
  15. One thing to keep in mind is that we mostly hear recordings of GREAT players and from time to time live performances of ( sometimes ) great or at least very competent players. They for the most part play old Stradivarius or Guarnerius violins. These violins have their specific tone. Also, new violins have their specific tone as well. But we do not hear new violins played by the best players. This is how we are programed to believe there is only one kind of acceptable tone - that is something I disagree with, personally. I play cello and piano and the tone of pianos also varies a lot. But with some attention they all get the job done. Many times in Bach, Beethoven or Brahms I much prefer a more "steady" violin, more uniform note to note and I know from reading old books that the bright Italian violins were not liked by everybody but a more subdued tone was in fashion. Because of the fashion and fascination of old violins, new violins are not allowed fair chances by TOP players.
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