Thank you all very much, Violadamore, Blank Face, Martin and lwl, in particular, for invaluable insights and advice. It clears up my confusions greatly.
Recently, my daughter was selected from her YO to play in their chamber music. Since her ensemble is of full symphony orchestra, most of the string players are in high school (in fact, my daughter is the youngest, a 3rd grader) playing full size violins. She plays the first violin in the chamber music with a larger 1/4 violin, and has to work hard to be heard clearly. So we upgraded her to a 1/2 violin. Since she seems to be quite aspired to be a CM (who often has to play solo parts in their pieces), I thought I might as well start looking now and raking up, at least, some back up violins in the process.
Sorry for the failure to mention it was for a 3/4 violin as I posted another thread asking for advice about 3/4 violins. In my head, when I posted this thread, I was skeptical about the seller's claim the titled violin was a soloist or concert material. My apologize. I did not mean to trick you or play "cute"; I was simply confused and quite in disbelief of the seller's claim. Maybe if there is a demo video, I would be in a better position to judge as sospiri suggested.
As always, thank you very much for your expert feedback. This forum never fails to help and educate me.