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Posts posted by filimonovfineviolins
9 minutes ago, scordatura said:
This is quite a statement my friend. Know I know who I am dealing with LOL
yes, I don't hide who I am. Chacun a son gout!
15 minutes ago, scordatura said:I don't care moving on...FYI This is the head salesperson in a major shop. But you are all knowng
and the "head salesperson in a major shop" is infallible? very funny
29 minutes ago, scordatura said:
No Perlman. The reason being that was a selling point when I bought mine. "Perlman has one". It is a Vuilllaume made by Voirin. Perhaps he does not use it. Up to you mate.
Your assertion does not prove factual. Like Trumpian defense against crimes and misdemeanors.
It really depends on who was selling the bow. You accepted what you were told as truth. But that may not be the case. N'est-ce-Pas?
To this day people make mistakes with Perlman and Zukerman, such as Pinchas Perlman and Itzhak Zukerman. For sure Pinchas Zukerman was known to have a Voirin/Vuillaume model(such as you describe) with his initials engraved on the ferrule. And last time we played with Itzhak Perlman, I asked what he was playing, he said Howard Green. He also used a repaired bow at rehearsal, which looked to me like an Henry.
1 hour ago, scordatura said:
I have also heard from a reliable source that Perlman owns/uses a Voirin.
I think your source meant Pinchas Zukerman used a Voirin (at one time). Itzhak has used many nice old bows in the past, but for many years now he has been using a 65g bow by Howard Green (English maker). Perlman also introduced Green's bows to Gringoltz. I also know that in 1959, Perlman bought a Hill bow for $125.
16 minutes ago, Violadamore said:
Thank you a great deal both for posting so much so well on your website, and for coming here to talk about it.
Thank you Violadamore!
On 6/14/2019 at 12:18 AM, Michael Appleman said:
Hey Gennady, this list is neat! You could add Ludwig Spohr as a Tourte owner. He mentions his bows in his memoires. Also for Isaac Stern, one of his favourite bows was an Henry that got broken in a recital, but that he continued to use after it was repaired.
Hey Michael,
Thanks! As I remember, Spohr is definitely on my list as a Tourte player. For some reason, at some point, the app scrambled the order, so it's out of alphabetical order.
My new research on the proliferation of the Tourte bow mentions all Viotti exponents (direct and indirect exponents). I just submitted to STRAD. We'll see which issue they decide to publish it in. But it will be as Part 2 to Napoleonic Bows.
And btw, I am a member of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra not that other one mentioned.
Off topic, anyone looking for a Victor Fetique frog & button (ebony/silver)?
11 minutes ago, jacobsaunders said:
Valery Oistrach told me when we met some years ago, that his grand father used his Nürnberger bow exclusively throughout his career. He showed it to me, since he uses it himself. I was told (can’t remember by whom now) that Anne-Sophie Mutter uses a Dölling bow (and Dominant strings), so I wonder if this list has more than anecdotal significance. Sources of any information certainly aren’t given.
Yes David Oistrakh used a Nurnberger, but later (around 1956) his son Igor brought back a fabulous A. Richaume for his father, and gifted that to him.
Last time Anne Sophie Mutter played with us, about a year ago, she showed me her Benoit Rolland bow which she said she enjoys very much.
2 hours ago, PhilipKT said:
Can you share links to your articles?
My Sartory article is in February 2019 issue of STRAD. You can try STRAD magazine online. Other articles can be found on Tarisio Carteggio Section:
New Research on Gulio Degani, Jago Peternella and Roger Nestor Chittolini.
wow, I had no idea you guys were discussing my list.
I created that list using an Apple app which does not exist anymore. So I'm not able to update it. But working on redoing my site, so at some point it will get done. And I am busy these days writing new research about other things.
One of my recent articles was regarding E. Sartory and his court battles against Trademark infringement in Feb. 2019 STRAD issue.
I have an upcoming article regarding Napoleonic Bows followed by part 2 discussing proliferation of the Tourte bow. And finishing up new research on Nikolai KITTEL.
BTW, my friend Clive Greensmith is also using bows by Jean-Luc Tauziede and Sylvain Bigot (when he is not playing the Tourte). I believe Robert DeMain also has a KITTEL.
Occasionally I visit NEW YORK.
I can let you know when I'm there.
It's always best to study the bow in person.
Btw George, what is the weight of your bow?
Are you located in Seattle?
If so, I'll be happy to welcome you with your bow.
Btw, when my article is finished, I will let you guys know when it is due for release.
My assessment is based on research and experience. And I put my name on my posts.
I have been researching this subject for a while as I am working on new research regarding the workshops of Knopf and Kittel.
And I have new data that will get published soon.
You can view my previous new research on Giulio Degani, Jago Peternella and Roger Nestor Chittolini on Tarisio's Carteggio section.
The Knopf dynasty was influential in their day and taught makers such as Christian Gottlob Nurnberger (who trained with C.W. Knopf), J.C. Suss (who learned from C.F.W. Knopf)
August Rau who had studied with Wilhelm Knopf in Dresden and there were plenty more.
Recent discoveries led to the understanding of the fabulous bows by J. Christoph Nurnberger, most of which were branded L. Neuner. Ten years ago, these bows were thought of as being made by Heinrich Knopf.
So as the dedicated few keep digging, the collective knowledge grows.
I just happen to stumble on this thread and the bow in question.
Yes, in my view there is the prevalent Knopf style in some of the areas.
But this is the work of a lesser known Knopf.........August Moritz Knopf (1857-1899).
Son of Karl Moritz Knopf (who was Heinrich's cousin).
After learning the family business, he made bows for R. WEICHOLD, Grimm, Louis Lowenthal, and from around 1889 went to Moscow worked for Jul. H. Zimmermann. He died in 1899.
Quite interesting to come across this thread.
It has been many years that I have had the pleasure of dealing with Sylvain Bigot.
I met him in mid 1990's when he was working (as a young man) at Raffin's shop on Rue de Rome. I had realized then, the great talent he possessed!
That is why I have been representing him since then.
He has proven himself in every aspect of his profession:
1. as one of the great bow makers today (Meilleur Ouvrier de France 2011)
2.one of the leading experts on antique bows (along with Yannick LeCanu and J. F. Raffin)
3.one of the greatest restorers today!
His bows are highly sought after around the globe, and are in the hands of top professionals.
The choice of wood he has is exceptional.
As far as secondary markets go, one of his violin bows (circa 2006) sold at Tarisio in 2014 for $6,600.
Also a word about our American Makers.
At a time when French bow-making was on the decline in the mid-20th century, people like Frank Kovanda and Ernst Lohberg were producing masterpieces (between 1930-1940's).
I own a spectacular example by Frank Kovanda in Gold/Petrified Prehistoric Ivory (one of a kind), copy of the ex- Sam Bloomfield F.X. Tourte.
Since that time, makers such as William Salchow, Frank Passa, Charles Espey, Paul Siefried, Keith Peck, Jose DaCuhna, Matt Wehling, Morgan Andersen, Robert Morrow and many others have followed in their footsteps, producing bows in the best French tradition.
Many of the American bows from mid 20th century from some of these makers, are indeed undervalued (IMO).
Yeah, for the most part the open trench frog makes the bow feel "floppy".
Well put....
Thank you Mr. VIOTTI and Mr. Tourte.
For a esthetics, it' s great to see these bows as they truly were. And yes some are strong enough to play well as they are.
I have a very nice Guinot (which looks like a Pajeot), open trench (no underslide) with stunning pearl shields on the sides.
It plays very well as it is, but with a "modern" frog it is way better.
BTW, I agree that there are plenty of " tired" pernambuco bows by some of the greatest makers.
My favorite bow as of recently is a N.KITTEL which beats a great many bows.
My pride and joy....
Hi guys,
Especially Michael in Paris.
Long time.....
Yes, I've had many bows in lesser woods. Currently one of them is a P. Simon with open trench frog and this Pajeot with a very nice contemporary frog.
I think most people, when they buy the classic bows with open trench frogs, have contemporary frog and buttons made for these bows anyway.
The open trench was not the ideal design, but made these fine bows available to a wider range of customers.
Topys was supposed to be typos....
Sorry for the silly topys, but my new tablet has a mind of its own.
There are many very fine bows by the best makers of the past including Pajeot, Peccatte, Maire, Fonclause, Maline, Harmand and others that were made in woods other than pernambuco.
The thing is that when France went through the Naloleonic wars, and after Napoleon abdecated in 1813, France went through much hatdship economically. It was not until Napoleon III was in power from 1850- 1870 that things got better from them.
So makers had to use whatever they had.
It is said that Francois Lupot was supplying many of the shops in Paris with pernambuco during the hard times as he had quite the connections in Orlean as it is located on the Loire River and there was a lot of trade going through there at the time.
So, there are many fine bows mounted in maillechort and lesser woods with very nice mountings etc by the greatest makers.
I have had bows by Francois Peccatte, and Maline, and pernambuco, bois d'abeille and ironwood, and I tell you, that they all sounded and played great. THERE WAS VERY LITTLE DIFFERENCE when copmared to the pernambuco counterparts.
Pajeot also made experimental bows, with very cleverly designed frogs (I have one such bow) using other woods such as snakewood etc..
So to assume that this type of stick had an open trench frog is nonsence.
Sorry to be so blunt.
The frog and button were made by my good friend Robert Morrow, a fabulous maker living in Seattle, WA.
Since I have not posted here in a longtime, I think the issue is that there is a restriction which will be lifted after 5 more approved posts.
I am having trouble posting photos here. Any suggestions?
BTW, I did not see the bow in person. I was going by the pics, same ones you guys saw.
Are there any female violin makers?
in The Pegbox
Alina Kostina is a fabulous maker who spends half the time in Seattle and the other in Eugene, Oregon with David Gusset.
She won a Cert. of Merit in VSA 2016