falls under this category form the original post.
As someone who is bombarded AI stuff in my day job, MHO is that there is very little that AI can do to help makers make a better violin. However there are many use cases for violin connoisseurship. Dendro is one, Image and pattern recognition for instrument identification is another. Challenge here (as noted above) is that much of the data is in private hands and I believe the associated meta data is neither consistency captured, or accurate enough to create an AI model to work from. Measurements and images captured from CT scans would be a great place to start but I doubt there is enough to work with and we still have the same issue of the data sitting in private hands.
Lots of good stuff out there like Nvidia's ai workbench. Challenge is one needs to create the model first that means two things 1) good data 2) a lot of compute horsepower