These might help you out. 3 after 97, play 4-1-2 then 3 on the A string- you are in 6th position.
2 measures later, 2 before 98, find the Eb with your 1st finger and use that as the base finger, reaching up with 4 for the Bb, then staying in 7th position. Make sure to keep your 1st finger down.
For 3 after 98, either 5th position with an extension, 4-2-3-1, or 6th position, 4-1-2 then 4 on the A string might work.
At 99, playing in 6th position, but using the 4th finger for the B natural on the A string in the 3rd measure might help.
The gliss is usually just a gliss- too fast for fingers.
At 101, I like 4-1-2-1-2, then on the A string 3-4-1, then stretching up for the Eb in the next measure, 4-2-3 then 1 in 2nd position on the E string for that G natural in 3 measures after 101, then 2 for Ab, then 3 for the D on the A string.
And, 8 after 102, starting on the E string, 1-2-1-2-1, ending on that D in the 9th measure. Stay in 6th position, using your 4th finger on the A string for that B natural.
Remember to keep your 1st finger down as much as possible. It will help you find those stretches, and overall keep you from getting lost on the fingerboard.
Hope that gives you some ideas.