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Everything posted by Janito

  1. FWIW, a couple of comments from the Peanut Gallery: > I have used the Chinese digital iron for several years without a problem. The iron shape is good. > Bought a Luthiers Bench iron a couple of years ago. I wasn't in a rush, so all went smoothly (it was shipped to a UK address and I picked it up later). Mr Studdard responded reasonably quickly to my emails. Also, worth pointing out that they do a version that works at 120V - I simply cut off the UK plug and installed a US 3-pin on instead.
  2. Van Dyke crystals dissolved in water can leave a nice matt brown coating that can crackle varnish if used appropriately over partly dried varnish. Search MN - lots there. For example:
  3. Nussbaum (Van Dyke crystals in water) - any craquelure adds interest.
  4. The anxiety of making V1. Just go with the Strad - nobody will know the difference from the original (it's locked in a case).
  5. A practical suggestion: For V1, it will make little difference what the original model was like - it is not going to be a bench copy. So I would just get any poster that has sufficient information to proceed. When finished, it can be called "whatever".
  6. using '@' exposes email addresses to trawling software and later spam. instead use: XXXX(at)xxxx.com
  7. David Wiebe - already mentioned
  8. The references in that paper are here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329708816_Synchrotron_radiation_micro-computed_tomography_for_the_investigation_of_finishing_treatments_in_historical_bowed_string_instruments_Issues_and_perspectives I am not sure I would submit a paper to ANAL BIOANAL CHEM
  9. Probably.... That piece of cloth has been in the UV box for over 5 years - when not in use, the jars dry out. Interesting example of amateur 'thin-layer chromatography' of the pink compound.
  10. From the UV light box: UV-induced new life forms...?
  11. So you would not expect to see 'bleaching' of maple or spruce with UV light box exposures that would be considered practicable (say <3 months).
  12. I am interested in what happens to wood over time when an instrument is exposed in a UV box. How much time does it take for the wood darkening to change to 'bleaching'? I realise that there are many variables that can affect the answer to this question, but even rough estimates and some commentary on the conditions, wood type etc. would be helpful.
  13. The shaft looks thin. Have you tried it in a peg-shaper?
  14. For a first scroll, the most important thing is to have a block of wood where the 2 sides can be planed perpendicular to the surface that will receive the fingerboard. A wedge block is a way to purgatory and eternal misery as regards good layout and side-to-side consistency...unless patches are glued allowing perpendicular sides.
  15. With a very strong/thick back and the front thinner in the centre and thicker at the edges in C bout area?
  16. Could a back that is being 'stretched' when the strings are tensioned cause a "squeezing-in" effect of the top plate at the C bout if the constructional circumstances are right.
  17. The asymmetry of the effect on the front suggests that variation of construction could make a difference to the shape. What would this 'movement' diagram look like if the back is very strong/thick and the front thin in the centre and thicker at the edges? Other constructional variations are conceivable.
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