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Viewing Profile: mrfiddle
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Viewing Topic: 1857 Caspar da Salo violin
Viewing Topic: Sharpening woes
Viewing Topic: Scott Cao SCV30 3/4- Cant find any info online about this model
Viewing Topic: Selecting top quality woods
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Viewing Topic: LOB 350mm: What do I call it?
Viewing Forum: The Fingerboard
Viewing Topic: Intonation Learning Aid
Viewing Topic: Removing tru-oil gloss?
Viewing Topic: vintage HILL'S chinrests
Viewing Topic: Need Treatment for Moldy Smelling Violin
Viewing Topic: Hill Light rosin, is there any other that are similar or nicer?
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Viewing Topic: Questions about "German trade" instruments
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Viewing Topic: Jacobus Stainer in Absam prope Oenipontum 17 is it real???