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Maestronet Forums
Parrot 1977
This old Chinese fiddle was purchased new in 1977 or 1978, as a replacement for the violin that I forgot at playground after a football (soccer for USA members) match, in which the latter participated as one of the goal posts. It traveled in my backpack as a part of my survival kit at numerous hiking tours. At the same time, was a testing ground for my research in the field of luthiery (changing strings, fitting pegs, cutting bridges, small repairs with touch-up attempts, etc). I sold it in January 2013 for some US$150 (with original carrying case and new eBay Chinese bow of US$10, as a replacement for original bow, because then did not know anything about the art of rehairing). The fiddle was fitted with new rosewood pegs and endpin, as well with appropriate Chinese strings. I told this little story with the intention to add a little spice to neverending story of Chinese violins and, more importantly for myself, to preserve this fiddle and its story from oblivion.
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